Chapter 2056 Master Lu is finally back

But they were very cautious, sneaking a look and then quickly looked away, pretending to talk to the people around them, pretending that nothing happened.

Xie Xinyao is the most exception.

She was the one who ostracized Qiao Nian in the level 8 laboratory.

Ever since Qiao Nian didn't show her face in person, and made it clear that he was the newcomer who was airborne, Xie Xinyao's face was dark, with a gloomy expression visible to the naked eye.

No matter how many times she walked around in the laboratory, how many times she passed by Qiao Nian and Xue Zhu.

Xie Xinyao always gave Qiao Nian a stingy look, extremely indifferent and exclusive.

She took the lead in pushing out newcomers.

No one else in the lab dared to offend her.

This caused the laboratory to be shrouded in a strange atmosphere all morning. Obviously, everyone was peeking at Qiao Nian, but no one went forward to talk to Qiao Nian.

By noon.

Xie Xinyao was the first to drop her things and asked the people around her to go out for dinner.

Cao Yanhua just came back, saw this scene and called her to stop, and took the initiative to say: "Junior Sister Xie, today is Qiao Nian's first day in our laboratory, let's have a meal to celebrate together, I treat you."

Xie Xinyao almost couldn't hold back the anger that had been suppressed all morning, and immediately frowned, not even giving Cao Yanhua any face, and said coldly, "I don't eat with people I don't know well!"

"Qiao Nian has already joined our lab, she..." Cao Yanhua originally wanted to say that she is also a member of us. According to the lab's past rules, every time a newcomer comes, everyone has to have a meal together to celebrate.

However, before he finished speaking, Xie Xinyao had already turned her face away and walked away without looking back.

Xie Xinyao left.

Some people in the level 8 laboratory who flattered Xie Xinyao also said to him: "Brother Cao, then shall we... go to eat first?"

Seeing that Cao Yanhua couldn't stop them, he could only let them go.

Another group of people, with the attitude that no one should be offended, found reasons and left.

There were only a few people left in the huge laboratory.

He and Han Cheng were the only members of the level 8 laboratory, and the rest were Xue Zhu and the others.

Cao Yanhua was a little dumbfounded. He rubbed his temples and resisted the embarrassment. He walked up to the girl, coughed, and said, "Well, Qiao Nian, don't take it to heart. They are not squeezing you out. Junior sister Xie may have misunderstood you, so talent……"

Xie Xinyao was so obvious, so obvious that Cao Yanhua was a little embarrassed to explain it to her, and couldn't speak for herself.

"It doesn't matter." Before he finished speaking, the girl had already picked up her peaked cap from the experimental table and put it on again. Her white hands were particularly eye-catching, but they were not as eye-catching as the delicate and eye-catching face under her peaked cap. Strong impact.

Qiao Nian looked at the phone casually: "She didn't misunderstand, I just came in through the back door."

Cao Yanhua was distracted for a moment, and soon came back to his senses, smiled, and said: "Han Cheng and I have no arrangements for noon, why don't we go eat at noon?"

Han Cheng also walked over with a smile: "Yes, little junior sister, what do you want to eat?"

Just as Qiao Nian saw the message Ji Nan sent her, before she replied, she received a call from Ye Wangchuan.

Qiao Nian looked at the person who had disappeared for two days, and said to Cao Yanhua and the others: "Next time, you go eat first, next time I will treat you."

"I'll go first." She said, took her shoulder bag and walked away.

(End of this chapter)

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