Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2060 Shifu's Attitude Has Changed

Chapter 2060 Shifu's Attitude Has Changed
Cao Yanhua did not dare to arrange for her casually.

Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that the level 8 laboratory members headed by Xie Xinyao were very repulsed by Qiao Nian, a newcomer who was airborne. Even if he asked to find someone for her, there was a high probability that no one would be willing to take her.

Cao Yanhua had a terrible headache: "If Qiao Nian doesn't do this, you still follow me as usual and see how I do the experiment?"

He also talked about it with Han Cheng, Xue Zhu, and Shen Qingfeng during dinner at noon, but in the end he was just a team leader, and the final arrangement for Qiao Nian had to be decided by Shi Fu himself, and he couldn't decide of.

He is talking.

Shi Fu came in from the outside.

As soon as Xie Xinyao saw Shi Fulai's laboratory, she immediately took the sorted experimental data to the lab: "Mentor, we sorted out the data for the experiment I was in charge of before. Do you have time to look at it for us?"

Qiao Nian also noticed the noise over there.

She looked back, and just in time saw a man in his fifties coming in. The man was wearing a Chinese tunic suit, and he looked very serious, with a quiet personality on weekdays.

Shi Fu did not accept the experimental data handed over by Xie Xinyao, but glanced down, and said softly: "You put the data on my desk, I'll see later."

As he spoke, he bypassed Xie Xinyao and walked towards Cao Yanhua and Qiao Nian.

Cao Yanhua instinctively recited a sentence to comfort Qiao, and lowered his voice: "It happens that the teacher is here, and I will ask him for you later."

Qiao Nian frowned, and the drooping black hair covered her brows, and the aura around her became a little irritable.

However, she still took a deep breath, forcefully suppressing the pent-up anger in her heart.I told myself in my heart that she came in through the back door, and it was normal not to be seen by these people.

But Qiao Nian rarely encountered such a situation. Usually, she could just let go and leave, but this time she couldn't.

If she had enough time, she would not have taken Feng Yu's step, but it's a pity that she only took a year off from school.

The last semester has passed, and there is only half a semester left in the next semester.

She's running out of time.


Shi Fu walked all the way.

The eyes of everyone in the level 8 laboratory followed him.

The chubby next to Xie Xinyao said in a low voice, "The tutor won't be looking for that Qiao Nian, will he?"

"Oh, how is it possible?" Xie Xinyao raised her eyebrows, her eyes and brows could not hide the coldness, and her tone was very perfunctory and disdainful: "You didn't see Senior Brother Cao was there, the old man should go to Senior Brother Cao to talk about semiconductor experiments thing."

She has been in the level 8 laboratory for so long, it is impossible not to see that Shi Fu is very dissatisfied with this newcomer who came from the 'airborne'.

She crossed her arms and curled up the corners of her mouth, happy to watch the scene beside her.

Shi Fu quickly walked up to Qiao Nian and Cao Yanhua, his eyes fell on Cao Yanhua for a second.

Cao Yanhua was also very obedient, and said respectfully, "Teacher."

"En." Shi Fu responded.

Just a second later, he turned his gaze to Qiao Nian who was standing aside.

Shi Fu seemed to think of something, his eyes darkened, he frowned, and asked Qiao Nian in a low voice, "What is the direction of your research?"

Qiao Nian raised her eyebrows in surprise: "Weapon manufacturing and black powder."

"Hmm." Shi Fu nodded again, not knowing what he was thinking, and fell into deep thought.

He didn't speak, and Qiao Nian simply wasn't in a hurry to speak.

The expressions of the others also became subtle.

Because everyone found that Shi Fu's attitude towards Qiao Nian had changed, at least he wasn't as indifferent as he was when he didn't come in the morning!
(End of this chapter)

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