Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2065 Do all of them dare to make dirty tricks behind their backs?

Chapter 2065 Do you dare to make dirty tricks behind your back?

"I'll call right away." Gu San didn't delay at all, didn't say hello to Qin Si, and quickly brushed shoulders with him to call for someone to go.

Qin Si looked serious, followed Ye Wangchuan all the way into the living room, watched the man pour himself a cup of coffee, lowered his head as if he was sending a message to someone.

He raised his eyes, and finally couldn't help but say: "Master Wang, you already know about Uncle Jiang?"

Ye Wangchuan just sent a message to Qiao Nian, raised his head when he heard that, and gave him a surprised look: "You also know?"

Qin Si knew it in an instant.

He cursed silently in his heart.

Thinking about which little bastard didn't want to live anymore, he attacked Sister Qiao's father.

While walking towards Ye Wangchuan, he reached out his hand to touch his earlobe, and explained clearly in a few words: "I just asked Zhang Yang and the others to play a game, and Zhang Yang gave me a tip. But he was not sure, he said that behind him I went to check and found no specific situation, and the news was suppressed."

Qin Si simply picked up the coffee cup, brewed a cup of coffee for him, and put it on the table: "You also know that the news that this place in Beijing is blocked is the big news."

"I just said I was going to tell you, but I didn't know you had received the news." Qin Si made coffee for him and sat down on the sofa opposite, with a serious face: "Uncle Jiang, is everything okay?"

"Uncle Jiang is fine." Ye Wangchuan was holding the coffee cup in his hand, the steam from the coffee rising up between his eyebrows and eyes, making his eyebrows and eyes stand out even more.

Qin Si, who was watching, was stunned for a second, then widened his eyes and waited for his next words.

"and then?"

He has an impatient personality, and he is as eager as a dog chasing after him when he asks a question: "Master Wang, what the hell is going on!"

"Uncle Jiang is just a university professor. Who would target him if he has nothing to do? I'm afraid it's not for Uncle Jiang, but for Sister Qiao!"

It was because Qin Si roughly guessed that this matter had something to do with someone behind the scenes trying to target Qiao Nian, so he was restless and angry.

He clenched his fist and slammed the sofa hard, angrily: "Do you all dare to make dirty tricks behind your back?"

"They were behind Jiang Li's injury before. This time it's Uncle Jiang again. They're not finished? Don't hide in the back and act like a turtle if you have the ability! Take it out and say it. They don't dare to yell at the front, they only dare to speak behind their backs." It shows how despicable and shameless these people are."

Ye Wangchuan saw that his eyes were red with anger, and his face was full of anger and hostility.

Stretching out his hand to cover his eyes, his whole aura was extremely restrained: "You don't need to be so angry, uncle is fine. The Ye family has been looking for someone to protect him secretly, this time the truck rushed out, and that person had already pulled him away. Both of them just scratched their arms, and they have already gone to the hospital for disinfection, and my grandfather has also gone to the hospital."

"Elder Ye is here?"

Ye Wangchuan said in a flat tone: "He has been in the hospital since yesterday."

The annoyance on Qin Si's face turned slightly, and he breathed out a long breath: "It's good that Ye Lao is here, no one will dare to act wild when he is here."

Beijing City is the territory of the Ye family.

With Ye Maoshan in charge, no one dares to act presumptuously.

"So that big truck..." After Qin Si was relieved a little, he raised his spirits and asked him immediately.

Ye Fanchuan opened the drawer uncommonly, took out a pack of cigarettes from it, poured out one and lit it, his eyes were filled with deep blackness that could not be suppressed.

"The driver is dead."

(End of this chapter)

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