Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2072 Sister Nian finds out the mastermind in minutes

Chapter 2072 Sister Nian finds out the mastermind in minutes

Qiao Nian's hacking skills are not just at the level of ordinary hackers, there are not many hackers who can convince him.

The answer is about to come out!

The young man looked at the girl sitting in front of the computer in shock and astonishment, his mind was still working, and he didn't say the answer directly.

Instead, he looked at Mo Dong and made a mouth shape - sun!

This time Mo Dong didn't answer him directly, nor did he deny it: "It's not important, I'll tell you when I have a chance later."

"..." The young man in the Hacking League understood the answer almost in minutes.

Qiao Nian is Sun!

Otherwise, Mo Dong could directly tell him that he guessed wrong.

But Mo Dong didn't say that, and only gave an ambiguous answer.

That's right!

No one among hackers does not know the name of Sun, and now the top master among hackers is in front of him!
The young man was almost out of breath.

He suppressed the excitement in his heart, and suddenly remembered that the database of their hacker alliance was always illegally invaded some time ago.

They still can't find each other's identity.

He knew immediately who that person was now.

It's the sun!

Sun is in Independence, and has always been in Independence!

He said, who among the hackers can use their hacker alliance database as a back garden, if it is Sun, then everything is easy to explain.

Four 10 minutes later.

The girl left her hands from the keyboard, she leaned back, turned her head, and stared at the computer screen.

Watched for 1 minutes.

She only half-closed her eyes, and there was a ferocious beast in her eyes, a little withdrawn and cold: "I found it."

Qin Si and the others are all waiting for the result.

Ye Wangchuan was also behind her, always accompanying her to investigate.

It wasn't until the girl finished saying this in a low voice that he changed the girl to a cup of warm water and put it in it, and asked her in a calm and unhurried manner, "Who is it?"

Qiao Nian picked up the warm water that Ye Fanchuan had just poured for her, lowered her head and took a sip. It tasted sweet. She took a look at the boiling water glass in surprise, realizing that someone had thoughtfully added some water to her. Glucose, probably because she was afraid that she would be too tired, so she replenished the sugar in her body.

Although she was not too tired and needed glucose to hang her life, at this point in time, when someone poured herself a glass of warm water, a certain part of Qiao Nian's heart suddenly softened a lot.The surly aura in her body has been subdued, at least not the indifference of being thousands of miles away from others when she first came back.

She put the cup back slowly, closed her eyes for a while, and when she opened them again, there was only a cold silence in her eyes: "...Ji Hongyuan."

After Qiao Nian found out the result, she knew why Ji Hongyuan did this.

Probably another ridiculous reason.

For example, want to teach her a lesson or something.

Another example, he wanted to dampen his spirit!

Because people from the Ji family, Ji Hongyuan, and others have said similar things in front of her more than once, for example, if she is disobedient, he will take the Jiang family in Beijing as a knife...

She just didn't expect Ji Hongyuan to really dare to do this.

Qiao Nian's eyes were filled with blood that couldn't be suppressed, and her heart was almost on fire. She got up and pulled the chair away, and the dining chair made a "stab" sound.

"Miss Qiao..." Gu San's hair was trembling, and he vaguely felt that Qiao Nian was irritated this time, it was the kind of anger that was really touched and stepped on the bottom line.

He didn't know what Qiao Nian was going to do, but he realized that Ji Hongyuan might regret it this time.

Qiao Nian returned to the living room without saying a word, picked up the bag on the sofa, and was about to go out: "I'll go out for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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