Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2077 Ji Hongyuan is going to be unlucky

Chapter 2077 Ji Hongyuan is going to be unlucky

Ji Family Manor.

Ji Hongyuan swaggered towards the living room, and asked the servant of Ji's family who walked in front and called him over: "Did the patriarch tell you why you asked me to come here?"

The servant just lowered his head and walked ahead, not daring to speak nonsense at all: "Sixth Elder, I don't know. The patriarch didn't tell me, just let me ask you to come."

Ji Hongyuan frowned: "The patriarch didn't tell you anything?"

"No." The servant replied vaguely.

Seeing that he couldn't come out with the question, he felt more and more strange, and walked into the living room of Ji's manor with big strides.

The servant leading the way had stopped at the door, not daring to go in casually.

Ji Hongyuan went in alone.

As soon as he entered, he found that Ji Lingfeng was not alone in the living room. Many older generations of Ji's family were there, and the circular conference table was full of people.

Everyone is whispering and discussing something.

When everyone saw him coming in, they all shut their mouths as if they were talking about it, and sat upright, all expressionless, not making any eye contact with him.

"The patriarch." Ji Hongyuan frowned, and he had already begun to feel something was wrong. He didn't see the rest of the Ji family, so he directly greeted the man sitting on the main seat.

"Yeah." Ji Lingfeng was as gentle and refined as ever, seemingly tough but polite to him: "Sixth Uncle, sit down."

Ji Hongyuan pulled away the first seat on Ji Lingfeng's left and sat down. As soon as he sat down, he couldn't wait to ask: "Patriarch, what do you want me to do?"

Looking at today's battle, he guessed that something big happened to the family.

It's just that until now, Ji Hongyuan hasn't heard any news, so he still doesn't know why Ji Lingfeng came to him.

A servant comes in to bring tea and water.

Ji Lingfeng didn't go around in circles, and put his hands on the conference table. He still had deep eyes that couldn't see anger or anger as usual, and he still had a polite and gentle tone: "Uncle Six, Qiao Nian came to the door and said that you moved the Jiang family in Jingshi. Really? Why didn't I know about this beforehand."

His tone of voice was clearly so polite, but Ji Hongyuan's face suddenly changed, and he looked at Ji Lingfeng in shock.

Ji Lingfeng still had the same expression, without moving his eyebrows or eyes, staring at him, and continued: "Qiao Nian asked the Ji family to show an attitude, you always say what kind of attitude should I give her?"

"Clan, patriarch." Ji Hongyuan's neck seemed to be pinched, his Adam's apple rolled up and down, but he could only squeeze out this sentence dryly.

Ji Lingfeng was not in a hurry, and said politely, "Sixth Uncle, think about it slowly, I called you here today just to ask a question, just to hear a truth."

After he finished speaking, he tilted his head back, picked up the tea on the table in front of him politely, and drank it one after another with his downcast eyes, clearly giving Ji Hongyuan enough time to think.

Ji Lingfeng took the lead and stopped talking.

None of the Ji family dared to speak.

There was a moment of silence in the huge living room, and the breathtaking low pressure lingered in the hearts of every Ji family member, weighing heavily on them.

Ji Hongyuan has been in the Ji family for decades, and he is already buried in the loess on his neck.

He has never seen any storm in his life.

At first, he was just shocked that Qiao Nian could find him so quickly, it really surprised him.

After being surprised for a short time, Ji Hongyuan quickly calmed down.

"Patriarch, what are you going to do with me?" He knew that Ji Lingfeng was definitely not the foolish person he appeared on the surface, so he didn't make himself too ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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