Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2080 Sister Nian goes crazy, the mysterious diamond boss is about to surface

Chapter 2080 Sister Nian goes crazy, the mysterious diamond boss is about to surface

So what if Ji Hongyuan, as one of the elders of Ji's family, touched the Jiang family and Jiang Zongjin in private?
No one will blame him for this matter.

Ji Lingfeng also used the Ji family's secret recipe for black gunpowder as an example, not Jiang Zongjin who almost lost his life in a car accident.

It can be seen that the life of an ordinary person is not worth mentioning in the eyes of these people.

If Qiao Nian insisted on asking Ji Hongyuan to explain Jiang Zongjin's matter, it would be nonsense and useless.

"It's impossible for you to get the Sixth Elder to apologize to your father."

"Who told you that I want him to apologize?" Qiao Nian raised the corners of her mouth and smiled, but the smile didn't reach her eyes. Her eyes were cold and dry, with a hint of mockery in it: "What do I want him to apologize for? Can I eat it?"

"Then..." He Lin couldn't understand her.

Qiao Nian picked up the shoulder bag on the chair with one hand and carried it on his shoulder, and gave a casual look: "I want his hand."

He Lin's eyes widened in astonishment, and his tone was quick and urgent: "Ji's family can't..."

He wanted to say that it was impossible for the Ji family to agree to Qiao Nian's request.

But before he finished speaking, Qiao Nian interrupted him: "Since we haven't reached an agreement, there is no need to continue the discussion. You protect your people, and I will do my own thing. Everyone will go their own way." !"

He Lin opened his mouth.

"I've already paid the bill." Qiao Nian didn't give him another chance, took her own things and left without hesitation, leaving only He Lin in her original place to stop her, or not to call her.

It wasn't until the girl's back disappeared that He Lin woke up like a dream, and hurried back to report to Ji Lingfeng.

Qiao Nian's attitude was clearly unwilling to let it go.

But Ji Hongyuan is protected by Ji's family, she wants to touch Ji Hongyuan, what is it if it is not hitting a stone with an egg?
He Lin couldn't bear to see this scene.

So he wanted to help Qiao Nian, at least not let Qiao Nian do stupid things.

At the corner of the road, the girl did not go far.

She stopped under a camphor tree, took out her mobile phone from her pocket, and lowered her head to find out Guan Yan's phone number.

Many of the numbers on Qiao Nian's phone are hidden numbers.

The same is true for those who observe inkstone.

Just a string of non-compliant numbers.

She called and got through.

"Hey, Boss, why are you calling me when you have time? Isn't the research institute busy?" Guan Yan is well-informed and has been in charge of the affairs of the Independent Continent all the year round. In addition, she knows Feng Yu, so she is relatively close to Qiao Nian's recent situation. To understanding.

She knew that Qiao Nian had entered the first research institute, and even entered the level 8 laboratory, so she concluded that Qiao Nian was busy flying recently.

She didn't expect that Qiao Nian still had the time to take care of herself.

"What's the matter, what happened?" Guan Yan has a delicate feminine personality, and he is very clever to sense that something is wrong, and immediately asks again.

Qiao said 'en', without going around in circles, and said concisely: "How many people do we have in Independent Island?"

"Boss, why are you asking this? Fighting in groups?" Guan Yan didn't react immediately, smiled, and quickly replied seriously: "On the line of the diamond boss, there are many people, and there are many people who can use it. , all of them are ruthless people."

"But if you want to use this line, everyone in the Independent Continent will know that you are here, and your identity will not be covered."

"How many people have been staring at us these years, wanting to know who the diamond boss is."

Qiao Nian was careless, with uncontrollable surlyness and arrogance between his brows, without any fear, he said softly, "I want Ji Hongyuan's hand."

(End of this chapter)

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