Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2092 Do you want to learn how to post to Moments, the style is not suitable for you

Chapter 2092 Do you want to learn how to post to Moments, the style is not suitable for you

"Qiao Nian, you have to come to the laboratory tomorrow, otherwise you will be judged as giving up that project automatically."

"Xie Xinyao will take your place and work on that project with Brother Cao and the others."

Part of Qiao Nian's hair was still dripping, and her crow-black hair hung down to cover her brow bone. Her beautiful eyes were slightly sharp. After lazily reading the message Xue Zhu sent to herself, she curled her lips, revealing A smile of interest.

Xue Zhu's side is still displayed in the input.

Qiao Nian raised her eyebrows, and walked back to her without haste.

[Q: I'll wait and see. ]
The message that Xue Zhu was typing disappeared, and it took her a long time to reply with an emoji of her kneeling for the boss.

Qiao Nian glanced at it, then put the phone to charge.

Then he picked up the towel on the side and dried the dripping hair again, turned on the computer, and told Guan Yan, asking her to send those people who participated in the settlement of Ji Hongyuan back to the illegal area first, and then sort out their manpower in Independence Island , dormant for a while.

The news from Guanyan was very fast, and she told Qiao Nian that she had arranged all of these immediately.

If the Ji family wanted to find people like them, they might have to go to the illegal area to find them.

The illegal area is not the independent state, and the illegal area has the power of the illegal area. No matter how powerful the Ji family is in the independent state, they can only stare blankly in the illegal area.

After reading what Guan Yan told her, Qiao Nian put her heart back, and was about to turn off the computer and get ready to sleep.

Who knew the phone rang again.

This time, Qiao Nian frowned slightly, and picked up the phone impatiently, but when she saw the caller ID, she answered it patiently.


"Are you in conflict with Ji's family?" Lu Zhi's voice came over gently and elegantly.

As Qiao Nian walked towards the bed, he said casually, "Huh?"

"People from Ji's family came to me and said they wanted me to teach you a lesson for them." Lu Zhi's voice seemed to come from the office, and the surroundings felt quite empty, and he said with a half-smile: "Joe, what do you say?" How can I teach you a lesson?"

Qiao Nian paused for a moment, rather casually: "It's up to you."

Lu Zhi smiled again: "So impatient?"

"..." Qiao Nian looked at the time: "It's 09:30 in the evening in Independent Island, I need to sleep."

Lu Zhi has always been difficult to communicate with.


He smiled as if he didn't understand, "How about you give me a like for the latest Moments, and I'll settle this matter for you."


Qiao Nian patiently withdrew and looked at WeChat Moments.

She doesn't have many friends on WeChat, and after searching around, she didn't see anything posted by Lu Zhi. Then she slapped her head and remembered that she had blocked Lu Zhi's circle of friends before.

So I found someone's profile picture and clicked into his circle of friends to take a look.

I saw that Lu Zhi just posted a steamy Moments two hours ago, with a picture of love.

Impressively written on it-[Lu Zhi: I have waited for the wind and rain, just like butterflies waiting for flowers, seabirds waiting for the blue sky, fish waiting for water, I am waiting for you. 】

The corner of Qiao Nian's mouth twitched. He originally wanted to give him a thumbs up for friendship, but unfortunately his aesthetics didn't allow it.So he quietly withdrew, and asked him: "Lu Zhi, why don't you learn how to post on Moments, this style is not suitable for you."

In addition to his disabled legs, he actually has a pretty face, and it's this level of aesthetics that makes his eyes hot.

After Qiao Nian finished talking to him, without waiting for him to speak, she frowned, feeling a little sleepy: "I won't tell you anymore, hang up."

She hung up the phone, turned the phone to silent, flicked it to the side of the bed, turned off the lights and went to bed.

(End of this chapter)

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