Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2212 Someone asked me to ask you for WeChat, will you give it?

Chapter 2212 Someone asked me to ask you for WeChat, will you give it?

After she sent the message, she didn't look at her phone. She put the phone aside, turned on the computer, and logged into the Hongmeng software.

After Qiao read it, she remembered what Qin Si had asked her to do during the day, found Guan Yan's profile picture, and sent Guan Yan a private message.

[sun: Someone asked me to ask you for WeChat, can you give it? 】

It's been a long time.

Qiao Niandu sent the design draft to Yuan Yongqin.

Only then did Guan Yan's avatar light up, and he slowly typed a [? 】.

Qiao Nian noticed that she was online, opened the dialog box with one hand, entered a line of message, and hit the Enter key to send it to her again.

[sun: You wink at others first. 】

Guan Yan reacted quickly enough this time, and replied in seconds: [Boss, you said that Xiaobai... No, that friend of your partner?Qin what? 】

Qiao Nian raised the corners of her lips, and took a sip of water from the water glass in a playful manner, before putting down the glass and returning to her.

[sun: Qin Si. 】

【sun: Will you give it? 】

[sun: If you give it to me, I will return it to him, if you don't give it to me, forget it. 】

The other end of Guan Yan has been typing, it seems to be thinking.

Qiao Nian was about to go offline.

Guan Yan finally returned.

[Guan Yan: Boss, I want to know if I scumbag him, will you stand up for him? 】

The corners of Qiao Nian's mouth twitched, his eyelids twitched, and he silently lit a candle for Qin Si in his heart, and his slender fingers typed out a line of words.

[sun: I don't care about personal matters. 】

Guan Yan immediately put over an emoticon pack of 'Big Brother V5', and then read back to Qiao: "Here! Don't tell me, I quite like that kind of man, as long as he doesn't cry at the end, it's easy to say!"

Qiao Nian didn't answer her anymore, she lowered her eyes, picked up the mobile phone beside her, and pushed a business card for Qin Si to let him go.

Qin Si knew who the business card Qiao Nian had recommended for him in seconds, he happily thanked the girl, and couldn't wait to add friends.

On the other hand, He Lin went out to buy a cup of coffee, and when he came back with the hot coffee, Ji Lingfeng had already received Feng Yu's email back to him.

Ji Lingfeng asked someone to bring the laptop over.

Seeing his solemn expression, He Lin walked over lightly and handed the coffee to the man: "Patriarch, it's cold, let's have a cup of coffee."

"You put it there." Ji Lingfeng raised his eyelids, not in the mood to drink coffee for the time being.

"Okay." He Lin put the coffee in a convenient place beside his hand, and stood aside respectfully.

He remembered that Qiao Nian didn't reply to his message, and thought of the call Ji Hongyuan made to Feng Yu before he left...

He Lin couldn't hold back in the end: "Patriarch, what does the research institute say? Will they fire Joe, Miss Qiao?"

Ji Xiao and Ji Hongyuan had just come out of Ji Ziyin's ward when they heard He Lin talking.

Ji Xiao walked over quickly, and said in place of Ji Lingfeng: "Dean Feng didn't say whether to expel him or not, he only said that he would send something later. But Qiao Nian hurting someone for no reason is a sure thing, even if Feng Yu wants to protect her Seeing whether the Ji family agrees or not, it is impossible for him not to give the Ji family an explanation!"

Ji Hongyuan walked behind with a sullen face, followed him, snorted coldly, as if he could see that He Lin couldn't bear Qiao Nian to be ruined like this, and said grimly: "She will definitely be fired! The first study So we won't keep this scourge..."

At this moment, the person who went to get the laptop ran back with a laptop he found somewhere: "Patriarch, the computer you want."

(End of this chapter)

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