Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2219 Can't empathize, at least don't forgive others

Chapter 2219 Can't empathize, at least don't forgive others
He walked up to Han Cheng and asked in surprise, "Little junior sister didn't come today? Why didn't I see her?"

Not only Qiao Nian did not come to the laboratory, but Xie Xinyao also did not come.

"Oh, Qiao Nian is on leave." Han Cheng responded, and looked up at him as if suddenly aware of something: "Do you have something to do with her?"

"There is something wrong." Cao Yanhua is not a person who can hide his thoughts. He has a good relationship with Han Cheng, so he told Han Cheng that Ji Ziyin called him to help deliver an apology.

Han Cheng was still smiling at first, listening to him patiently.

Until Cao Yanhua finished speaking.

The smile on his face disappeared, and he looked at Cao Yanhua seriously: "Are you going to help Ji Ziyin apologize to Qiao Nian?"

Cao Yanhua didn't realize the seriousness of the matter: "I'm just helping to convey it."

Han Cheng interrupted him and asked him seriously: "Have you ever thought about why Ji Ziyin didn't go to Qiao Nian to apologize?"

"?" Cao Yanhua really didn't think that much.

Han Cheng put the test tube in his hand on the test tube rack, turned on the faucet and washed his hands, then turned off the faucet again, and then said calmly and forcefully, "Because she knows very well that Qiao Nian's personality won't talk to her!"

"I have long discovered that Qiao Nian is a person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside."

"She seldom puts people at ease, but look at those people she cares about, such as the people in the 10th group, Shen Qingfeng, Xue Zhu, how do you think she treats them?"

Cao Yanhua suddenly remembered that Xie Xinyao was arguing to compete with Qiao Nian before, and Qiao Nian risked losing his semiconductor research project qualification to give Xue Zhu and Xu Yi a chance to prove himself, and he suddenly understood.

"The reason why Ji Ziyin didn't apologize herself is because she couldn't save face, and secondly, she knew in her heart that it was useless for her to go to Qiao Nian."

"Her thoughts are very obvious, she just wants you to tell Qiao Nian. You have to tell Qiao Nian, Qiao Nian might just look at your face and let it go." Han Cheng didn't say the rest of the sentence , 'Of course your face may not be so valuable'.

Han Cheng glanced at him, swallowed back the insulting words, and continued: "Qiao Nian treats us as friends, even if we can't help her, at least we don't make sarcastic remarks."

"It's easy for her to say forgiveness."

Han Cheng has a lot of gossip and contacts, and he knows more news than Cao Yanhua: "I heard that the Xie family almost failed to be rescued in the hospital the day before yesterday. After being rescued, it was extremely dangerous in the middle, and it could be regarded as a narrow escape."

"I heard from Shen Qingfeng that Qiao Nian has a very good relationship with the Xie family, just like relatives. When something like this happens, you go and apologize to Qiao Nian for Ji Ziyin, and tell her to let Qiao Nian forget it." Han Cheng asked him : "If it's on you, can you forget it?"

Cao Yanhua stopped talking.

Han Cheng reached out and patted him on the shoulder, his tone softened: "We can't empathize, at least we shouldn't forgive others."

Cao Yanhua was silent for a moment, took a deep breath, and despite being ashamed, he had already made a decision in his heart.

"I'm going to reject Ji Ziyin."


Han Cheng let go of his hand and watched him go out to make a phone call.

He thought about it, and then sent a message to Qiao Nian, briefly telling the girl that Ji Ziyin had approached Cao Yanhua to ask for help.

As for how Qiao Nian planned to deal with it, he didn't ask.

He just told Qiao Nian that Ji Ziyin had already started to panic.

 PS: Sister Nian went to catch up on sleep

  Wake up and kill Ji Zha Zha
(End of this chapter)

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