Chapter 2229 Know Ji Ziyin?
She called Qin Si and made an appointment.

Qiao Nian hung up the phone, looked in the direction of the research institute, looked down and found Lu Zhi's WeChat, and sent a message.

【Know Ji Ziyin? 】


In the presidential suite on the top floor of the M Hotel in Independence Island.

Lu Zhigang sent away the members of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance.

Several main responsible persons from the Chamber of Commerce Alliance came this time and brought gifts to apologize.

Lu Zhi has always been smooth.

The other party came over to apologize sincerely, so he asked someone to accept the gift, which was regarded as a face.

"Mr. Lu, these things..."

"Throw it in the warehouse."

As soon as the person on the front foot left, the smile on Lu Zhi's handsome face on the back foot slightly faded, only a sharp look remained in his eyes, and he even wiped the hand that shook hands with the person before with a tissue, showing disgust.

Jian Jin came in from the outside, seeing that he was in a normal mood, she hesitated to speak and said, "Someone from the Lu family is here. Did you see him?"

Lu Zhi originally wanted to say 'no see'.

The phone on the table lit up.

He threw the tissue to wipe his hands into the wastebasket, reached for the phone, and looked down.

——【Little Sweetheart: Do you know Ji Ziyin? 】

Lu Zhi raised his eyebrows, raised his eyes and asked Jian Jin: "What has Ji Ziyin been up to lately?"

He is busy these days and has no time to pay attention to what is happening outside.

It seems that Ji Ziyin has come up with new tricks again.

Otherwise, with Qiao Nian's personality, it would be impossible to pay attention to her.

Jian Jin was about to tell him about it, but when Lu Zhi asked, she told Lu Zhi about the past few days about the research institute and Xie's family.

In the end, he said very upset: "Joe was also punished by the research institute for being implicated by her. He has to rest for three months and cannot continue to contact the semiconductor experiment project."

"I think she attaches great importance to that project, and it seems to have something to do with her mother, who used to focus on research in this field."

At the beginning, Lu Zhi still had a hint of a smile on his lips, although it was just a mask he wore every day, at least it looked gentler.

When Jian Jin finished speaking, his eyes sank, and he said displeasedly, "Why didn't I know these things before?"

"You were too busy before, so I didn't find time to tell you." Jian Jin rubbed her forehead, feeling very depressed: "You didn't even have time to sleep before, so I couldn't say it if I wanted to. Who knew that Joe could handle it so quickly , I was about to tell you that she has already dealt with it."

Lu Zhi put his hands on the wheelchair, turned the wheelchair, and said with a cold side face: "Next time, there is no need to delay her affairs. No matter how busy I am, you must remember to tell me."

Jian Jin's eyes moved, she looked at him, a bitterness rose in her throat, which was quickly digested by her, and she replied: "Okay."

Lu Zhi didn't mean to blame her, but remembered what Jian Jin had told him when he came in, and pondered, "You just said someone from the Lu family is here?"

Jian Jin cheered up: "Yes, Lu Yiming came to see you. He seems to be looking for your help for Ji Ziyin's affairs."

"Looking for my help?" Lu Zhi smiled, but unfortunately the smile didn't reach his eyes.

Jian Jin lit a candle for Lu Yiming sympathetically in her heart. It seems that the people in the Lu family have lost their minds over the years.

Actually begged for mercy to the boss here.

The relationship between the boss and Qiao will only help Ji Ziyin!

The Lu family didn't find out clearly, so they rushed forward.

Sure enough, after Lu Zhi smiled and groaned, he operated the wheelchair and walked into the study with his hands. He didn't intend to see the Lu family at all, and curled his lips contemptuously: "I remember that in the cooperation project between the Lu family and Tianchen, there is also Ji Ziyin part of the funds?"

(End of this chapter)

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