Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2232 Feng Yu asked sister Nian to watch the fun

Chapter 2232 Feng Yu asked sister Nian to watch the fun

Qiao Nian received a call from Feng Yu when she was playing games in the afternoon. She put her legs away and got up to answer the phone in a carefree manner: "Hello."

On the other side of the sofa, Qin Si was still holding the phone and urging her: "Sister Qiao, where are you going? Hurry up, this round is about to start."

"I'll make a phone call, you guys play first." Qiao Nian leaned halfway on the edge of the sofa, turning a lighter in his hand, and said lazily to him.

Qin Si saw that she was busy.

I only told a few people in the team: "Sister Qiao has something to do, I will take you flying this time."

Zhang Yang was familiar with him, and couldn't help joking in the voice of the team: "Young Master Qin, are you sure you can fly? Miss Qiao is not here, so just don't start the game with a slap in the face! You don't have Miss Qiao to tell you the truth , we can only lie down and lose."

"Damn, who the hell started the game with a bar and five! Labor and management told the opponent to give a chance, otherwise it would be boring to play one-sidedly."

"Yes yes yes." Zhang Yang said with a hippie smile, "Then don't give the opponent a chance, we can't lift it..."

Qin Si cursed again.

Qiao Nian raised his eyelids and glanced in his direction, leaning his elbows on the platform, and asked the person on the other end of the phone lazily, "What do you need from me?"

Feng Yu also heard the noisy background voice on her side, smiled and said, "Ji Ziyin left the research institute today, do you want to come and see?"

Qiao Nian raised her eyebrows: "Are you sure?"

Feng Yu couldn't help laughing: "Why, don't you believe me?"

Qiao Nian hasn't spoken yet.

He said kindly again: "The First Research Institute will definitely expel Ji Ziyin. This matter is not for discussion, and I can't change my mind."

"The Ji family has been in a high position for a long time, and they have been blinded." Feng Yu said lightly: "The First Research Institute does not belong to any force in Independent Continent. , No matter how many people they find to intercede, it’s useless...I can’t change my mind.”

The Ji family found a lot of connections for Ji Ziyin this time, and these people directly or indirectly approached Feng Yu to intercede.

It's just that Feng Yu, in the eyes of most people, has no children, no desires, no desires in this life, they want to cater to Feng Yu, but they can't find a place to start, so they can only let it go.

After a few days of stalemate, the final result disappointed the Ji family.

"She will come to the First Research Institute today to pick up things, are you... free to come and have a look?" Feng Yu called to ask her if she wanted to come and see the excitement.

Qiao Nian's eyes were drooping, her cold chin looked a bit cool, she was still playing with the metal lighter in her hand, and she looked quite awkward: "Don't go."

"I'm not in the habit of watching Reservoir Dogs."

Feng Yu couldn't help laughing: "You..."

He thought for a while, and then changed the words to: "If Ji Ziyin hears this, she will probably be anxious with you again."

Qiao Nian conveniently threw the lighter on the table, turned her head, and said indifferently, "What she thinks has nothing to do with me, and I can't control her mind, she thinks whatever she likes."

"The Ji family will not give up on her." Feng Yu suddenly mentioned it.

"Until the Ji family finds someone to replace her, they can only support her. Even if she leaves the First Research Institute, the Ji family will find a way to build momentum for her, and won't let her fall like this."

"The Ji family is determined to protect her this time."

Feng Yu said sneeringly: "I didn't expect that the Ji family would be so determined to keep such a worthless bag. It seems that there is really no one in the Ji family who can use it."

(End of this chapter)

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