Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2242 I checked, you have no mother since childhood

Chapter 2242 I checked, you have no mother since childhood

Nan Tianyi wants to send Xie Xinyao abroad?
Qiao Nian was slightly taken aback, this was the first time he heard the news.

The main reason is that she is too busy these days. After finishing the work of the research institute, she is also busy making medicine, and by the way, she is teaching Chenchen some simple entry-level programming.

She didn't care much about what happened in Independent Island.

Nan Tianyi never mentioned this to her.

Although Qiao Nian had never heard of it before, she just turned her head, her dark eyes looked at Xie Mu, and said coldly, "So."


The smirk on Mother Xie's face could no longer be maintained.

She looked at the 'culprit' in front of her. If she hadn't been worried about Xie Xinyao, she might have been unable to bear the resentment and dissatisfaction in her heart.

"Nian Nian, you have known Xin Yao for so long, and you also know her character. She knew she was wrong, and she has been crying with me for the past few days, so let me apologize to you."

Mother Xie carefully looked at the girl sitting on the sofa, and said in a low voice, "Can you forgive her?"

"She has no evil intentions, she was also deceived by Ji Ziyin at the beginning. You have already taught Ji Ziyin a lesson, Ting Yun is fine, and she even had an operation because of a blessing in disguise..."

The more Xie Mu talked, the more resentful and unwilling she felt.

She gritted her teeth and said, "Nian Nian, this matter is all because of Ji Ziyin!"

"Ji Ziyin was just expelled from the First Research Institute. Xin Yao was just deceived. Not only will she be expelled from the First Research Institute, but she will also be sent out of Independent Continent... Do you think this is fair?"

In the beginning, Qiao Nian could listen to Xie Tingyun patiently because of Xie Tingyun's face.Hearing this, the surly and irritable mood around him was provoked by Xie's mother's justifiable excuse.

She didn't speak.

But Xie's mother thought that she didn't speak because what she said was too right, so Qiao Nian was wronged and couldn't speak.

She continued to work hard, her eyes were already red, and she was going to wipe her tears: "Nian Nian, I checked, you have no mother since you were young. So you don't know the love a mother has for her daughter. When I saw that Xin Yao couldn't sleep well these days No, people are losing weight, so I feel bad. Listen to Auntie and forgive Xinyao, okay? As long as you tell Tianyi, he may not listen to what others say, but if you tell him, he will definitely You are the Lord."

Nan Tianyi was determined to teach Xie Xinyao a lesson this time. Mrs. Xie went to find him, but Nan Tianyi's attitude was very tough. At that time, the old lady's blood pressure soared and she was almost sent to the hospital.

Afterwards, Nan Tianyi still didn't change his mind.

Xie Yun was even more unwilling to help.

Seeing that her daughter was about to be kicked out of Independence Island, Xie's mother had no other choice, so she came to plead for mercy regardless of face.

But she has been pampered and pampered for too long, even if she asks for help, her tone of command is unavoidable, as if Xie Xinyao is so innocent and Qiao Nian is so ruthless!

Before Qiao Nian could speak, Ye Fanchuan spoke suddenly.

When Mother Xie saw him, she felt uncertain, wiped the corners of her eyes, lowered her head, and reluctantly said: "I..."

She didn't dare to provoke Ye Wangchuan, but she felt that she and Qiao Nian had Xie Tingyun as the key point of their relationship, and Qiao Nian wouldn't do anything to her as an 'elder'.

Mother Xie hurriedly looked in the girl's direction again, as if she was waiting for Qiao Nian to defend her.

Qiao Nian couldn't help laughing, her eyes were dry, she licked the corners of her mouth, and was about to speak.

Ye Wangchuan stuffed a bottle of water into her arms: "Don't pay attention to her."

(End of this chapter)

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