Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2250 The Ye family doesn't let go, who dares to let her be released on medical parole

Chapter 2250 The Ye family doesn't let go, who dares to let her be released on medical parole
It takes about ten hours to fly from Independent Continent to Beijing.

Qiao Nian got on the plane, returned Feng Yu's message, asked for a blindfold, pulled down the blackout windows, and fell asleep with her head covered.

She doesn't like flying, but fortunately she didn't sleep well last night, so she can take advantage of this time to catch up on sleep.

At the same time, a certain prison in Beijing City.

"Ma'am, take a rest." The driver of Jiang's family persuaded a lady who was wearing a mink fur coat and looked particularly outstanding.

But now she was frowning, looking inside frequently, appearing restless.

The driver tried to persuade her several times, but she seemed to be unable to hear.

Finally, someone came out with a girl in shackles, and Tang Wanru hurriedly chased after her.


The girl raised her head. The face under the messy hair had long lost its former glory. It looked as old and haggard as a woman in her 30s. The cheekbones were even thinner and bony, and she was particularly ugly. Compared with the high-spirited one, his appearance plummeted.

Tang Wanru saw the skinny daughter in front of her, who seemed to be hanging on her breath, her eyes turned red instantly, and she wiped away her tears, but she didn't dare to go forward to recognize her: "Xianrou, you, are you okay?"

Jiang Xianrou's empty eyes finally focused on her, seeming to recognize her, twitching the corners of her mouth, and said mockingly, her voice was as hoarse as a broken gong and drum: "Do you think I'm alright?"

Tang Wanru was burned by her resentful gaze, she quickly turned her eyes away, and said to the person who brought her out: "Captain Liu, the matter I mentioned to you about being released on medical parole, you..."

The Jiang family has some face in Beijing.

Especially in the past six months or so, everyone in the capital knew that the daughter of the Jiang family who had recovered from the circle of the city had climbed onto the high branches of the Ye family.

The Jiang family's status rose accordingly.

Anyone outside would sell the Jiang family some face.

Tang Wanru naturally did the same.

It's just that this time Tang Wanru just started talking, the other party showed a embarrassed expression, there was almost no room for discussion, and immediately interrupted her: "Mrs. Jiang, you also know that Ye Shao personally greeted Ling Qianjin's case. Yes. The Ye family is watching closely, who dares to help you? I don’t have the guts...don’t even think about parole for medical treatment, it’s impossible.”

The other party turned his head and glanced at the extremely haggard Jiang Xianrou, then turned to Tang Wanru and continued, "But Miss Jiang is so ill, we will definitely take her to the hospital out of humanitarian spirit. This is already what I can help you with." The limit is reached, no matter how much... I can’t do anything.”

Tang Wanru's heart clenched, her hands clenched her bag tightly, she knew in her heart that the other party was telling the truth.

As long as Ye Wangchuan doesn't let go, Jiang Xianrou will never be released on medical parole!
But if you want Ye Wangchuan to let go, to put it bluntly, you must let Qiao Nian let go.

How could Qiao Nian let her daughter go with that disaster?

Tang Wanru couldn't ask any further questions in front of Jiang Xianrou. After all, Jiang Xianrou had been living on the hope of 'parole for medical treatment' all this time.

Once he knew that he would never be released on medical parole, Jiang Xianrou couldn't bear it at all.

Jiang Xianrou was brought into a special police car by two prison guards. Tang Wanru took a deep breath, and could only get in the car first, let the driver follow the police car, and go to the hospital for a while...


Prisons don’t deny inmates medical treatment, but the places where inmates see a doctor are all in special hospitals, and they also need to be accompanied by a special person.

(End of this chapter)

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