Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2252 Sister Nian: This license plate matches you well

Chapter 2252 Sister Nian: This license plate matches you well

The plane landed at the Capital International Airport at five o'clock in the afternoon.

Qiao Nian took their suitcases through a special channel, and got them within a few minutes.

Get off the plane.

Qin Si was full of energy, dragged his suitcase, walked quickly in front of the two, and talked to Qiao Nian: "Sister Qiao, my car is outside, you can come with me later, I will ask the driver to deliver it first." You go back."

Qiao Nian looked in the direction he pointed, and saw a black low-key off-road vehicle parked outside the terminal building.

This group of people in Beijing is like this.

The car is pretty low key.

A model that does not show mountains or show water.

Whether it is Qin Si or Ye Fanchuan, they will not buy a coupe with tens of millions of dollars for themselves, but they are more fond of models such as Phaeton and Land Rover.

Qin Si's car is a black Land Rover.

The price of the top match is around 200 million.

But the license plate number is arrogant.

Ye Wangchuan is Beijing.88888.

Qin Si didn't get 88888, but he also got a serial number.

Qiao Nian visually estimated that the value of his license plate number could match the price of this car, even more expensive than this car.

"222?" She squinted her eyes halfway, pulled down the hat of the sweater, her delicate eyebrows looked playful, and she raised her chin slightly.

Qin Si scratched his head: "What 222?"

As soon as he raised his head, he followed the girl's line of sight and saw his own car. His face turned green immediately, and he explained eagerly with a flushed face: "Damn, you said the license plate number! That license plate number is the one who asked me to get it." That’s right. I didn’t have this license plate number at first, and Laozi’s license plate number is worse than his license plate number, but I lost to him because of bad luck in playing cards, so he asked me to change to this.”

Qiao Nian didn't wait for him to finish explaining, and nodded, looking at him seriously: "Actually, this license plate number is quite suitable for you."

The car follows the owner.

same 2.

"What do you mean..." Qin Si didn't understand at first, but he was not stupid, his mind turned quickly, and he figured out what Qiao Nian meant in a blink of an eye, and was immediately depressed.

He stared at the girl with a hurt expression on his face, and after holding back for a long time, he said: "Sister Qiao, you have been with Master Wang for a long time, and you have been led astray by him!"

His younger sister Qiao was so cool in the past, even if he was in the second grade, younger sister Qiao didn't bother to make fun of him.

Now the mouth is like Master Wang... a dog's.

While Qin Si was heartbroken, he finally thought of Gu San and the others, and turned his head to look back: "Why hasn't Master Wang come here yet? They are walking too slowly."

Qiao Nian also looked back.

Gu San walked ahead a few steps away from them, and behind him, a man with outstanding appearance walked slowly, holding a mobile phone in one hand and talking on the phone all the way.

Qiao Nian was far away, so she couldn't see his expression clearly.

But he could feel that he was in a bad mood.


a few meters away.

Ye Wangchuan had been listening to Cai Gang talking to him on the other end of the phone: "Young Master Ye, Jiang Xianrou has run away."

Cai Gang had been circling the city police station before, because he chose the right team for Wei Ling and Shen Jingyan's attempt to frame Qiao Nian, and was transferred to Beijing not long after.

So Cai Gang is very smart and understands why he is lucky.

He knew that the master of the Ye family was not the kind of person who liked to listen to nonsense, so he tried to explain things briefly.

"Jiang Xianrou had dyspnea and hemoptysis symptoms a month ago, but he didn't get better after seeing a doctor."

"Her mother and several prison guards took her to a special hospital for examination this morning. Who knew she ran away while going to the bathroom."

(End of this chapter)

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