Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2258 It's the appointed time, Mr. Jiang hasn't come yet

Chapter 2258 It's the appointed time, Mr. Jiang hasn't come yet

"Niannian." As soon as he saw the girl coming in, Jiang Zongjin was the first to stand up and walk over quickly, holding the girl's hand to look at it, his eye sockets became hot, he suppressed his sore nose, and said softly: "Why are you so thin?" Did you not take a good rest while walking around the city? By the way, is your Uncle Chen feeling better? I called Chen Yuan to see you before, and he said you were very busy, so I didn’t bother you. Who knows You have lost so much weight, I knew that I would definitely go to accompany you."

Qiao Nian patted his hand lightly, looked down, and said, "I'm fine, Uncle Chen is much better."

"That's good." Jiang Zongjin took another deep look at her, as if he couldn't get enough of it, and then he noticed Ye Wangchuan behind Qiao Nian.

The man is beautiful in appearance and extraordinary in bearing.

Once there, the light aura suppresses everyone in the box.

"Young Master Ye." Knowing his relationship with his daughter, Jiang Zongjin nodded politely and greeted him.

Ye Wangchuan was lazy and casual towards other people, but treated Jiang Zongjin extremely respectfully, and immediately greeted him: "Uncle, you can just call me Xiaoye."

Jiang Zongjin raised his eyes to look at him, and looked at his daughter hesitantly, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart, so he couldn't utter a word.

Hey, my baby cabbage has only been found a few years ago.

No matter how much he admired the young man in front of him, Jiang Zongjin really didn't want to be his 'uncle' when he thought that his daughter would be taken away by him in less than two years.

Fortunately, Jiang Li has eyesight, so he smiled and said to several people: "Uncle, Lord Wang, please sit down first, sit down and talk."

Jiang Zongjin asked Qiao Nian to sit next to him, and Ye Fanchuan chose a seat away from Qiao Nian because of his high EQ, and sat down on the chair.

"Is Mr. Jiang here yet? Do you want me to send someone to pick Mr. Jiang up?"

Jiang Zongnan and Jiang Yao didn't talk much throughout the whole process, mainly due to Ye Wangchuan's aura and Jiang Xianrou's troubles, they were shameless and embarrassed to start talking.

Until Ye Wangchuan mentioned Mr. Jiang.

Jiang Zongnan just added: "I just called him, he will have his blood pressure measured at 6:[-], and he should be on his way now."

Old man Jiang is not in good health, especially high blood pressure, otherwise he would not have been so angry by Jiang Xianrou that he almost had a cerebral hemorrhage.

Fortunately, Qiao Nianzai didn't cause any trouble at that time.

When he said that, Ye Wangchuan only responded indifferently, and didn't intend to continue the chat.

Treating him is completely different from treating Jiang Zongjin before.

Jiang Zongnan's face felt hot, and he knew why Ye Wangchuan had such an attitude towards him, so he didn't make fun of himself.

Seeing his father's embarrassing situation, Jiang Li couldn't bear to see that it was his father, so he smoothed things over in the middle and found a few topics to bring Jiang Zongnan up.

There was a lot of excitement in the box, and everyone tacitly did not mention Jiang Xianrou's name, as if there was no such thing.

Seeing 6:50.

The waiter in the box knocked on the door and asked them politely: "Mr. Jiang, there are still 10 minutes until the banquet you reserved, can we serve?"

Only then did Jiang Zongjin notice the time, raised his hand to look at his watch, frowned, and said, "Strange, why hasn't your grandpa come here yet?"

Mr. Jiang's nursing home is not far from Yufu, and it takes about ten minutes by car. This is why Qiao Nian chose Yufu.

After Jiang Zongjin said this, Qiao Nian's expression calmed down slightly, he also noticed the time, got up and said, "I'll make a call and ask."

(End of this chapter)

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