Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2272 Mr. Lu's enthusiasm for posting to Moments is high

Chapter 2272 Mr. Lu's enthusiasm for posting to Moments is high
Qiao Nian just walked into the living room with her mobile phone, and she hasn't sat down yet.

Gu San has already impatiently brought out a glass of water and handed it to her: "Miss Qiao, come, drink some water to moisten your throat."

Qiao Nian's injured right hand was bandaged, and the white bandage wound up from her palm to her arm, and she couldn't move for the time being.

The other hand was not injured, but it was holding the mobile phone to answer the call, and there was no third hand to receive the water he handed over.

Fortunately, Ye Wangchuan parked the car and came in from the outside to see it, and told Gu San in a lazy voice: "You put the cup there first, she will drink it later."

Gu San also realized that Qiao Nian had no hands to hold the cup he handed over, so he blushed in embarrassment, and quickly bent down to put the cup on the table, saying, "Miss Qiao, I'll put it here for you."

"Thank you." Qiao Nian thanked politely.

Gu San scratched his head, feeling even more embarrassed, and said, "I'll make bone soup for you."

Qiao Nian raised her eyebrows and didn't speak yet.

Gu San further explained: "The eldest lady specifically told me to buy the pig's trotters, saying that it should be shaped to make up for the shape, so I will make up for you."

Qiao Nian's eyelids twitched, and he didn't know what to say to him for a long time. He lowered his eyelids to look at his bandaged right hand, and then imagined the shape of a pig's trotter. The corner of his mouth curled up, and he couldn't help laughing: "Okay." .sorry to bother you."

Gu San didn't realize that he said something wrong, seeing the girl agreed, he happily ran to the kitchen to do some work.

Ye Wangchuan walked over to take off the scarf around his neck, put it on the sofa casually, saw her flickering mobile phone screen with sharp eyes, turned sideways, and asked her: "Whose call? Why didn't you answer it."

Only then did Qiao Nian notice the phone. Seeing that the screen was about to turn black, she raised her hand and walked towards the sofa: "Mr. Nie. I'm just about to pick it up."

As she spoke, she connected the phone, found a place to sit down, and said in a hoarse voice, "Hello."

What Nie Mi asked her to talk about was that Tianchen would send someone to Tsinghua University to take over tomorrow, and asked her if she wanted to go there tomorrow.

Qiao Nian spent the whole night in the hospital about Mr. Jiang's affairs, and basically didn't have a rest. Hearing Nie Mi mention Tianchen's chip cooperation project, she rubbed her temples, and said with a tired expression: "Tomorrow What time is it?"

Nie Mi told the time.

Qiao Nian frowned, thought for a moment and said, "I see, I will go there."

Nie Mi told her who would be present tomorrow.

Liang Conglin, as well as the chip team from Tsinghua University are here, Tian Jing and Master Cheng will also be there, and the initiator of this cooperation, Qin Si.

Qin Si will also be present.

On Tianchen's side is the development team responsible for this project, but it's not clear who it is.

Qiao Nian braced herself up and listened to him. When Nie Mi asked her if she knew who Tianchen would bring tomorrow, she said in a slow tone, "I don't know, I haven't asked, do you want to ask?" ?”

She did not ask Lu Zhi who Tianchen was in charge of this project.

The main reason is that she has never cared about Tianchen's internal development, and she doesn't know who is in Tianchen.

Lu Zhi rarely mentioned this to her.

Qiao Nian thought of someone, and thought that he still had one thing to do.

After Nie Mi said there was no need to ask, she said a few words to her, and after hanging up the phone, the girl propped herself up, opened Moments and slid down casually, and found someone's Moments at a glance.

Lu Zhi's enthusiasm for posting on Moments has been high recently.

One a day.

More punctual than eating.

(End of this chapter)

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