Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2282 Ji Ziyin has been in the limelight for the past month

Chapter 2282 Ji Ziyin has been in the limelight this month

Shi Fu came in with a straight face, still wrapped in the air-conditioning brought in from outside, looking extraordinarily serious: "I won't drink."

Feng Yu looked up at him, and then noticed that his expression was wrong, so she put down the teapot, and asked him: "What's wrong? Why is his face so ugly."

Shi Fu handed him the tablet, and immediately said, "Look at it."

Feng Yu took it suspiciously, looked down, his face became uglier the more he looked at it, and after reading the content on the tablet, his complexion was worse than that of Shi Fu, and he almost dropped the tablet on the ground.

Fortunately, years of upbringing allowed him to bear it. He just returned the tablet and slammed his fist on the table, splashing tea: "They are too much! I have warned Ji Ziyin in private, and it seems that she didn't treat me at all. Take the warning to heart. Does she think I have no evidence!"

Shi Fu found a chair in front of him and sat down. Seeing that Feng Yu was so angry, he became less angry. He rested his forehead and sighed, "What evidence do you have? They are sure that you have no evidence to dare to be so unscrupulous."

Feng Yu's expression became even more angry, her chest heaved and fluctuated, and she seemed choked with anger.

Shi Fu looked at him, hesitant to speak: "You and I both know that those people have cleaned up all the files about that person before, and the institute has no records. Now Ji Ziyin is holding her notebook and using The contents of the notebook are in the limelight, and no one can produce evidence to prove that she stole it. If you run to warn her, if she doesn't listen to you, you can see that she knows in her heart that you can't produce evidence..."

Feng Yu slammed her fist on the table angrily, and was out of breath for a long time: "She is too courageous!"

Shi Fu was scalded by the splashed tea on the back of his hand, but without saying anything, he took out a piece of paper to wipe it off, crumpled the paper towel and threw it away.Looking at Feng Yu again, he said in a deep voice: "Their purpose is not just to make Ji Ziyin show off. They are probably targeting you and Mr. Martin."

Feng Yu is not a fool, Shi Fu doesn't mention this, he also knows Ji Ziyin's purpose.

During the month of Qiao Nian's absence, Ji Ziyin rose strongly and announced several important achievements in the semiconductor field.

Now it's in full swing in Independence.

Feng Yu didn't take her seriously at first, thinking that Ji's family came up with a way to restore Ji Ziyin's reputation, but Shi Fu showed him the detailed documents of Ji Ziyin's published results, and he realized what Ji Ziyin had obtained .

Jiqing's Notebook!

During this period of time, Ji Ziyin relied on the contents of Ji Qing's notebook to make a big splash in Independent Continent, making her personal reputation very popular.

The name Ji Family Genius has once again started.

Even because of Qiao Nian's disappearance for a month, everyone began to gradually forget the BT rookie king who had broken the institute's records several times.

Instead, they all focused on Ji Ziyin.

In addition, Ji Ziyin was expelled from the research institute.

At that time, because of Ji Lingfeng's face, Feng Yu didn't disclose the reason for expelling Ji Ziyin.

That's why some families and individuals who don't know the reason are laughing at the First Research Institute in private for not being able to see gold and inlaid jade. It's really a big loss to expel Ji Ziyin, a once-in-a-century genius.

All these winds are known.

The problem is that Ji Ziyin pretended to be a hob and pretended to be stupid with him, and refused to admit it. He really couldn't produce any evidence.

"She was after Martin, of course."

(End of this chapter)

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