Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2290 The person Miss Nian is going to meet is Lu Zhi

Chapter 2290 The person Miss Nian is going to meet is Lu Zhi
When the car drove to the city center.

Qiao Nian half rolled down the car window to look outside, and said to Gu San, "Stop."

Without knowing it, Gu San parked the car on the side of the road.

Qiao Nian waited for the car to come to a complete stop, unfastened her seat belt, grabbed her cell phone and was about to get out of the car.

Seeing that she was about to get out of the car, Qin Si stretched out his head to look at the sky outside, and said worriedly, "Sister Qiao, won't you go back with us?"

Qiao Nian had already got out of the car, closed the car door smoothly, put on the peaked cap, lowered the brim of the hat, put his hands in his pockets, and said casually, "Go back first, a friend invited me to meet nearby."

Ye Wangchuan watched the girl close the car door, thought of someone, and asked her: "How long are you going to chat? I'll wait for you here."

Qiao Nian looked back at the place where he made an appointment with Lu Zhi, then turned his head, looking at him with black and white eyes: "Not necessarily."

"Don't wait for me, go back first, I will go back by myself."

Qin Si and Gu San were not at ease, and looked at the young man in the car: "Master Wang, let's wait for Miss Qiao. Anyway, we have nothing to do when we go back, so don't rush back..."

Ye Wangchuan didn't insist on following, and said very generously: "Mo Dong and the others happen to be working nearby, you can send him a message after you're done and ask him to take you back."

Qiao Nian was going to meet Lu Zhi, and it was inconvenient to take them with him. Seeing that Ye Wangchuan didn't want to follow, he was relieved, and gave him an 'OK' gesture.

Looking at Qin Si and the others again, they greeted each other and said, "Let's go."

Girls always do things without sloppiness. After greeting the people in the car, she turned around and walked on the sidewalk.

Qin Si looked at the back of the girl going away, then glanced at the tall and motionless man, and couldn't help but say a few words, "Master Wang, sister Qiao is going to see her friends at this point, so don't worry about it." ..."

He wanted to say, 'Aren't you worried that this friend is interested in sister Qiao?'.

However, before he could finish his words, Ye Fanchuan squinted and scratched at Qin Si, and Qin Si immediately shut his mouth.

Woohoo, he was just talking casually, Mr. Wang has the ability to stare at him, and he has the ability to stare at Sister Qiao!

Ye Wangchuan rolled down the car window, put his arm half on the car window, under the light, his facial features were particularly outstanding, with a straight nose and attractive lips.

The young man still had a lazy expression, he didn't seem to be worried, and told Gu San: "Let's go, drive back."

Gu San looked at the girl who had gradually disappeared on the other side of the sidewalk. He didn't dare to say more, so he agreed, stepped on the accelerator, and the car drove away from the city center.


In a restaurant in the city center, the sound of the piano is melodious.

The waiters in the light and luxurious restaurant are all wearing uniform suits, and their postures are straight, which shows that the style here is extraordinary.

It's just strange that in such a restaurant, there are not many customers when it opens at nine o'clock in the evening.

Looking at the entire restaurant, there are only two guests sitting by the window, and they seem to be having a happy conversation.

"The taste of this private kitchen is still as impressive as ever. When I came to Independent Island this time, I thought that I must come here to eat once. I didn't expect you to ask me out."

The person who spoke was a foreign man in his thirties and less than forties.

The man has a typical Nordic appearance, with three-dimensional facial features, thicker hair, and a thick beard that he has neatly groomed. It is very clean and does not look sloppy, but has the uninhibited look of a Nordic gentleman.

(End of this chapter)

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