Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2299 1 was accidentally slapped in the face

Chapter 2299 I was accidentally slapped in the face
Before she came, she went to the level 8 laboratory to make a form, filled in her name and basic information, and then came to the office.

"Can I sign up?" Qiao Nian put down the form and asked Shi Fu again.

When Shi Fu came back to his senses, he immediately picked up her registration form and looked at it, with a rare smile on his face: "Of course."

"You still made one or two mistakes in this form. I'll tell you later that you need to change it."

"it is good."

Qiao Nian readily agreed.

The girl's perverse and arrogant appearance made Ji Ziyin clenched her fists involuntarily.

She tried her best to be patient, and then said to Feng Yu: "Principal, since I meet your requirements, I think there should be no problem for me to sign up, right?"

Feng Yu hasn't spoken yet.

Qiao Nian seemed to be interested, looked at her, and said, "What conditions?"

Ji Ziyin didn't want to talk to her at first, but when she remembered Qiao Nian's warning to her when she met Qiao Nian in Shanhai Pavilion, she suppressed her displeasure, and said lightly, "The dean's requirement is that I have published in SCI. results."

"Oh?" Qiao Nian seemed to be more interested, and fixed her eyes on her: "So you have published results on SCI?"

As if pierced by her gaze, Ji Ziyin was extremely annoyed, and said with a half smile: "Of course I have published the results."

Qiao Nian looked at the arrogance in her expression, withdrew her gaze lightly, and said following Feng Yu: "Since she meets the qualifications and wants to sign up wholeheartedly, we can't force her to stop her from signing up. Turn around and let her go outside and say that you are both Biao, it doesn't sound good."

Gu Hengbo had said before that Feng Yu 'can't double-standard', and was accidentally slapped in the face, and his expression was not very good-looking, but he was too embarrassed to jump out and admit that he was that person.

Feng Yu frowned, looked at the girl, not sure what she was thinking: "You mean..."

"If she wants to sign up, let her sign up. There are too many people who sign up. One more is not too many, and one less is not too many." The girl put her hand in the pocket of the hoodie, very lazy and casual.

He didn't shy away from Ji Ziyin and Gu Hengbo at all.

This attitude is infuriating.

But Ji Ziyin was planning to win the position of the future successor of the First Research Institute, stepping on Feng Yu's position, how could she be willing to give up this opportunity.

What if Feng Yu gets stubborn and refuses to sign up for her?
So even if she felt that Qiao Nian looked down on her and humiliated her, she still stood there tenaciously without saying a word.

Feng Yu took a deep look at her, thinking that Martin and the Hermit family would also participate as partners in the selection of the future heir by the First Research Institute.

He also thought that Qiao Nian had just met Martin yesterday, and that Martin had sent him a message later, specifically asking him about this year's 'Rookie King' of his research institute. Obviously, he had a good impression of Qiao Nian.

Feng Yu figured it out after thinking about it, and said to Shi Fu: "You can record it for them."

Shi Fu responded, sat in front of the computer and began to enter the registration information of the two of them.

During this gap, Feng Yu looked at Ji Ziyin again, with a calm expression, and only said: "Just put down the registration form."

"I won't stop you, but I want to remind you."

Ji Ziyin looked over and looked like everyone: "Dean, tell me."

Feng Yu said in a deep voice: "What's yours is yours, what's not yours, even if you own it temporarily, it doesn't mean it belongs to you."

Stolen things don't last long.

If Ji Ziyin continues to be so insatiable, she will overturn sooner or later!
(End of this chapter)

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