Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2306 Everyone Gathered in the 1st Research Institute

Chapter 2306 Everyone Gathered in the First Research Institute
Ji Ziyin saw that he spoke clearly, and Feng Yu had indeed looked for her in private, and had warned her more than once.

Ji Ziyin immediately waved her hands irritably, frowned, and said in an impatient tone, "Then what should I do?"

Ji Hongyuan thought he had seen through everything, so he was extraordinarily calm: "You have to keep waiting."

"It will be the day when the successor of the First Research Institute will be selected. As long as you successfully become the future director of the First Research Institute, Martin will meet you sooner or later."

"Your primary goal now is to become Feng Yu's heir! Apart from this goal, nothing else is important."

Ji Ziyin's ups and downs gradually calmed down, but she was still worried, and looked at Ji Hongyuan who was sitting in a wheelchair with a burning gaze: "Sixth Elder, what if I lose?"

"..." Ji Hongyuan looked at her as if he was looking at a trash.

However, he had already broken with Qiao Nian, which was equivalent to breaking with the direct line of the Ji family. Now he can only stand by Ji Ziyin's side.

Ji Hongyuan suppressed his displeasure, and said, "You can't lose to her with a notebook!"

Twenty years ago, Ji Qing's strength crushed everyone in the Ji family, and Ji Lingfeng could only hold his own.

Qiao Nian is just a fledgling yellow-haired girl... There is no way Ji Ziyin will lose the selection of the successor this time!

Ji Ziyin was probably convinced by his absolute confidence, and gradually felt relieved, and said, "I see, Sixth Elder."

Time soon came to the day of the selection, the weather was clear and cloudless, and the blue sky could not see any impurities, and the blue sky was as blue as washing.

The entrance of the First Research Institute was very lively.

Ji's, Xie's, Nan's and even Lu's families all came.

The major forces in the Independent Continent, such as the Pharmacy Association and the Union of Chambers of Commerce, also received invitations from the First Research Institute, and someone came over early in the morning.

Feng Yu's selection of an heir this time is definitely the most important news in Independent Continent recently, bar none.

Everyone knows it in their hearts.

Feng Yu's heir = the future master of the First Research Institute.

No one wants to miss this opportunity to witness history with their own eyes.

Of course, not everyone can enter the First Research Institute, only those who have received Feng Yu's invitation letter can enter, and the number of guests who are eligible to receive Feng Yu's invitation letter does not exceed 20 in the entire Independent Continent.

Ji Lingfeng, Mrs. Xie and Nan Tianyi met at the entrance of the institute. Mrs. Xie wanted to take this opportunity to mend relations with her son-in-law.

Nan Tianyi was extremely indifferent.

The old lady Xie took the initiative to approach her and found out that Nan Tianyi's attitude towards her was still lukewarm, so she didn't want to lose face on this occasion.

So he also turned cold and deliberately went to talk to other people.

Nan Tianyi didn't care. He found a quiet corner and lowered his head to report to his wife.


outside the institute.

Ji Ziyin arrived early.

Gu Hengbo asked her to meet in the parking lot.

She waited in the car for half an hour before Gu Hengbo arrived late.

Seeing him coming, Ji Ziyin opened the door and got out of the car, and politely called out: "Teacher, here."

Gu Hengbo also saw her and walked quickly in her direction.

"How are you preparing?" Gu Hengbo asked her as soon as he stood still.

Ji Ziyin probably guessed that he was looking for her to ask this question, with a trace of confidence in the corner of her mouth, she smiled slightly and said, "I am confident to win this selection. It depends on what questions the dean asks."

(End of this chapter)

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