Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2308 says that every time there is sister Joe, there is you

Chapter 2308 Saying that every time there is sister Qiao, there is you
"Master Wang, don't we want to go there?" Qin Si looked at the girl's figure that was drifting away, and looked back regretfully, as if he had missed a hundred million.

Gu San also looked regretful, kept silent, put his hands on the steering wheel, didn't say much, and behaved very rigidly.

If Ye Wangchuan didn't look at it, he could just sit still in the car and wait for Qiao Nian to come back.

"Master Wang, you really don't want to go see Sister Qiao's selection?" Qin Si sat there for less than a minute, then grinded his ass there, a little unable to sit still, and urged: "You don't want to see how Sister Qiao kills you?" Sifang, clean up the two we just saw?"

Ye Wangchuan lowered his head to play with his mobile phone, as if he was sending a message to someone. Hearing this, he raised his jaw slightly and gave him a sideways glance.

Qin Si restrained himself, and muttered: "You are still a boyfriend. Is there anyone like you who is a boyfriend? On such an important occasion, your boyfriend doesn't go to cheer for others. No wonder it took so long to become a regular , I haven’t even held Sister Qiao’s little hand a few times. Tsk, it’s so boring, if I were Sister Qiao, I would have a pure revolutionary friendship with you.”

"What are you thinking about." Ye Wangchuan finished sending the message, put away his phone, rolled down the car window, put his arms on the car window, leaned lazily on the side, and asked him back.

Qin Si just muttered in a low voice, how could he dare to say it out loud.

When Ye Wangchuan asked, he immediately looked at his eyes and nose, looking like a good-natured young man, sitting upright: "No, I didn't say anything."

Ye Wangchuan raised his lips and glanced at him.

There was a 'ding' sound from the phone.

He ignored Qin Si, picked up the phone again, took it over with a glance, then untied the seat belt on his body, opened the door and got out of the car.

Then he said to the two people in the car: "Let's go."

Qin Si unbuttoned the seat belt with one hand, and asked, "Master Wang, where are you going? You won't wait for sister Qiao to come back."

Ye Wangchuan was wearing a crisp black coat today, with his hands in the coat pockets, which accentuated the man's tall, handsome figure.

"Let's go in."

Qin Si actually guessed where he was going, but he just asked a lot and got the affirmative answer he wanted to hear.

Qin Si immediately smiled, and got out of the car at a high speed: "Okay."

Gu San also got out of the car in a hurry, and closed the door smoothly.

After he got out of the car, he didn't forget to walk up to the man and ask respectfully, "Master Wang, I need an invitation letter to enter the research institute today, have you got the invitation letter?"

"En." Ye Wangchuan walked towards the direction of the first research institute, and said concisely: "I just asked someone to ask for one."


10 minute later.

Mo Dong specially came out to pick them up, and Gu San knew who he asked for an invitation letter.

"My lord."

Mo Dong was still the same, with a rough face with a hideous scar across half of his face, he didn't look like a good person.

He got acquainted with Gu San and Qin Si, turned his head, his eyes fell on the two walking behind Ye Wangchuan, and greeted them politely.

"Young Master Qin, Gu San, you are here too."

After Qin Si got acquainted with him, he was already able to hang shoulders with Mo Dong. The two brothers joked: "You are here, we must come. In other words, every time there is sister Qiao, Are you the one who came to Yaomen? What about Moxi? Why doesn't he come?"

"Ahem." Mo Dong was caught in his thoughts, hooked his head, raised his hand to touch the bridge of his nose to hide his embarrassment, and said, "It's just a coincidence. He has other things to do, and I happen to be free, so I'm here."

(End of this chapter)

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