Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2313 Ji Ziyin is going to overturn this time

Chapter 2313 Ji Ziyin is going to overturn this time

Fortunately, he controlled his emotions in the end, and said in an impatient tone: "Ji Qing has achieved results in this area, so Ji Ziyin shouldn't be unable to solve this problem..."

At this point in the matter, Gu Hengbo didn't bother to go around in circles with him.

He looked up at Laboratory No. 1, saw Ji Ziyin dripping with cold sweat, pursed his lips, and said solemnly; "There is no record of this experiment in Ji Qing's notebook."

"Feng Yu is very clear about the contents of Ji Qing's notebook. He knows that there is no such content in the notebook, so he only came up with this topic today!"

Gu Hengbo sighed, shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "I just didn't expect him to pull the trigger on this topic and really come up with this topic. He is going all out and using the First Research Institute as a bet that Qiao Nian can solve it!"

As for Ji Ziyin.

I'm afraid Feng Yu has never seen Ji Ziyin's 'strength' in his eyes.

Since Feng Yu dared to play so big, he was sure that Ji Ziyin didn't have much strength of her own except for using the contents in Ji Qing's notebook.

He used the first research institute to gamble!

Bet on Qiao Nian.

Bet that Qiao Nian will be able to complete this task!

He underestimated Feng Yu.

Ji Hongyuan's eyes sank, and his triangular eyes were extremely fierce: "You mean Feng Yu knew that Ji Ziyin had a notebook?"

Gu Hengbo turned his head to look at him in surprise: "Ji Ziyin didn't tell you? When she came to the First Research Institute to sign up a few days ago, Feng Yu had warned her. If it wasn't for Qiao Nian, who Feng Yu was optimistic about, she would let her If she signed up, Feng Yu might not let her go in today's selection."

"She didn't tell me." Ji Hongyuan's face was gloomy, and he became more and more restrained: "She only told me that Martin suspected her. I thought that Feng Yu just knew about Ji Qing's experiments in the early years, so I told Martin. I don't know Feng Yu warned her about the notebook in private..."

Gu Hengbo didn't respond anymore.

Ji Hongyuan's lips trembled in anger, he didn't expect Ji Ziyin to hide such an important matter from him.

He returned his gaze to the lab.

Ji Ziyin has adjusted her mood and started the second round of experiments.

But anyone could see that she was upset.

Her first experiment had been carried out very reluctantly, and the second experiment was even more chaotic.

Even people who can't understand can see that she is just messing around, just trying to keep her hands from being idle.

Ji Hongyuan's cold eyes gradually turned to the left from Ji Ziyin's body, and he didn't fix his gaze until Laboratory No. 9, his eyes were full of hatred.

It's just that his gaze didn't last long.

Because soon Ji Hongyuan found that he was being targeted, and a person in the direction of Yaomen seemed to notice his cold gaze towards Qiao Nian.

A gaze locked on him like a hunter in the dark night!

Ji Hongyuan knew who that person was, so he could only run away like a mouse in embarrassment, not daring to reveal his thoughts again.

The old lady Xie smiled slightly, put down the teacup, wrapped the high-end silk scarf around her neck, and whispered to the people around her: "Ji Huang, what's the situation with Ji Ziyin, she can't solve Feng Yu's problem Bar?"

Ji Lingfeng sat up straight when Feng Yu announced the topic of the heir selection, with a serious expression on his face.

When the old lady Xie talked to him, he didn't seem to hear him, and he didn't give any winks, let alone talk to the old lady Xie.

(End of this chapter)

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