Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2320 Sister Nian: I'm fine like this

Chapter 2320 Sister Nian: I'm fine like this

at the same time.

In Ji Ziyin's private residence.

The first time she called Liao Quan, no one answered, she frowned, and called again the second time. This time, a mechanically cold female voice came from the phone telling her 'the other party has shut down'...

Ji Ziyin is not a fool, as long as she thinks about it, there is something she doesn't understand.

——Liao Quan refused to answer her phone!

Ji Ziyin realized this, as if a heavy weight was pressed against her chest, her hand was tightly clutching the phone, and she didn't move for a long time.

Until the old servant at home walked over, made her a cup of coffee and put it on the table, and whispered: "Miss, you want to drink Blue Mountain."

Ji Ziyin just woke up like a dream, lowered her hand, turned back and said: "Put it on the table."

The servant herself put the coffee cup on the place where she often sat, and it was said that she was just ready to go back to her kitchen with good eyesight.

Ji Ziyin sat on the sofa slumped, staring at her cell phone with her head down.

Liao Quan's phone number was still on the phone screen.

Ji Ziyin remembered it very clearly.

A few months ago, this Liao Quan was a "good dog" who wooed her all day long, and in a blink of an eye even a guy like Liao Quan dared not take her seriously.

The huge gap made Ji Ziyin a little unable to accept the reality.

The old servant saw her pale face and trembling eyelashes from a distance. Although she didn't know what happened to her, she vaguely felt that something serious had happened.

After all, Ji Xiao and Ji Hongyuan, who used to come here often, haven't shown up recently, and Ji Ziyin is shrouded in low air pressure every day, and it can be seen that he is in a bad mood.

The old servant was hesitating whether to go over to comfort her or not.

The girl who had been sitting still on the sofa for a long time had her mobile phone in hand suddenly rang, Ji Ziyin frantically answered the phone: "Hello, Patriarch."

"Come here." Ji Lingfeng said concisely.

Ji Ziyin suddenly became nervous, bit her lip, and tentatively asked: "Patriarch, do you have anything to do with me?"

Ji Lingfeng's attitude towards her was neither salty nor indifferent, and he couldn't hear anything unusual from the phone, he was very calm: "I have something to ask you."

Ji Ziyin sat up straight and was about to ask again.

The other end of the phone has hung up.

She had to take away the phone and stared at the hung up call for a long time.

Ji Ziyin didn't care much, got up and walked to the room, and said to the servants at home: "I want to go out for a while."

In the evening, the sky is full of red clouds, and orange clouds dye half of the sky red.

Under the setting sun, the scenery of Independence Island is particularly beautiful.

Qiao Nian went to the airport to pick him up an hour early.

In the early spring weather, it is rare for her not to wear a hoodie. Instead, she wears a long-sleeved white T-shirt with a smoky blue sweater. The sweater has a large silhouette and is a lazy and casual style.

She didn't roll up the hem of the dress, and the hem of the dress hung down loosely, matching it with jeans, which made the girl's legs straight and long.

Qiao Nian didn't wear a hat either, and wore a ball head, revealing her smooth forehead and delicately contoured face. Although her expression was still perverse, it could be seen that she had restrained herself a lot and was trying to make herself like her elders. It looks like it's being cleaned up.

The window of the black off-road vehicle was half rolled down, Qiao Nian looked at the exit of the airport, but no one came out yet.

She put her elbows on the edge, tapped the edge with her slender fingers, turned her head, and asked the people in the car with clear eyes: "Is it okay for me to look like this?"

"It's no problem!" Qin Si looked her up and down, and said sincerely: "If my mother sees you, maybe she will decide on the spot to send you to my house..."

(End of this chapter)

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