Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2332 Ji Lingfeng Seems to Have Special Feelings for Ji Qing

Chapter 2332 Ji Lingfeng Seems to Have Special Feelings for Ji Qing
"Miss..." He Lin blurted out, and immediately realized that he was about to say the wrong thing, and raised his head reflexively to peek at the change of Ji Lingfeng's expression.

Ji Lingfeng didn't seem to hear his words, and there was no emotion on his face.

He Lin seemed to understand something, his eyelids twitched, quickly lowered his head, and continued: "Miss Qiao has been staying in the research institute for the past few days, leaving early and returning late, I don't know what she is doing, she seems to be looking for information .”

The First Research Institute is Feng Yu's territory.

Feng Yu hates others stretching their hands too far.

The major forces in the Independent Continent fear him, so they have restrained themselves in this regard over the years, and everyone's eyes and ears in the First Research Institute are limited.

He Lin only knew that Qiao Nian had recently been spending time in the archives of the First Research Institute, going there early every day and leaving very late.

Ji Lingfeng leaned his back on the chair, lowered his head and smiled, and said to He Lin: "Go and find Ji Ziyin."

He Lin raised his head quickly.

Three days ago, Ji Lingfeng had called Ji Ziyin back, and then promptly put Ji Ziyin under house arrest.

Recently, many members of Ji's family bet their treasure on Ji Ziyin. These people have been making a lot of trouble recently, and they all want to see Ji Lingfeng.

Ji Lingfeng was extremely strong this time, and he didn't see anyone at all!

Ji Hongyuan came out to look for He Lin several times, and Ji Lingfeng disappeared as soon as he said he couldn't see him, which made Ji Hongyuan very ashamed.

"Patriarch, do you have anything to do with Ms. Ji?" He Lin didn't dare to ask any more questions, but only asked carefully.

Ji Lingfeng said lightly: "Tell her that my patience is limited. She'd better hand over what I want, otherwise... don't blame me for not saving her face."

He Lin's heart was pounding, and he faintly felt that Ji Ziyin seemed to have bumped into a certain Ni Lin of the patriarch inadvertently.

He didn't dare to look up, but lowered his head: "I'll do it right away."


Ji Lingfeng raised his hand, he seemed very tired, and waved him out.

He Lin raised his head quickly, and looked back before going out.

The weather in Independence Island has warmed up in March, the sun is just right outside, and the warm sunlight shines in through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Ji Lingfeng was tall and tall, reached out to open the drawer and took out an old yellowed photo from it, lowering his eyes.

He was as powerful as ever.

He Lin didn't know why but saw a trace of unconcealable sadness from him.

It's a hell of a feeling!
He Lin didn't dare to look any more, quickly lowered his head, went out quickly, and took it to the door.

Three in the afternoon.

Ji Ziyin saw He Lin at the place where he lived, He Lin conveyed Ji Lingfeng's original words to her verbatim, and prepared to leave.

Ji Ziyin sent him away expressionlessly.

It wasn't until the door was closed that she returned to her room with a distorted expression of resentment, and smashed all the cosmetics on the dressing table to the ground.

After Ji Ziyin finally vented, the room was already in a mess, and there was no place to lay her feet.

She opened the door with a sullen face, and said to the servant below who looked up frequently: "Come and clean up the room for me."

The old servant has worked here for more than ten years, and seeing that no one else dared to step forward, she took the initiative to pick up the broom and said, "I'll go up."

The others wished for her to endure the low pressure, and thanked her with their eyes.

The old servant took the cleaning tools and went up.


In the bedroom on the second floor.

Sitting in front of the dresser in the bedroom, Ji Ziyin took out an old notebook from a drawer.

(End of this chapter)

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