Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2334 Gu Hengbo is still tempted after all

Chapter 2334 Gu Hengbo is still tempted after all
Ji Ziyin said softly: "Teacher, I'm just complaining for you. Mr. Martin doesn't know that there is a problem of missing questions beforehand. If he knows, he will definitely not cover up the participants."

Gu Hengbo hung up Ji Ziyin's phone, returned to his desk and sat down.

Other people in the office looked at each other, and someone couldn't hold back, and stood up first to express his opinion: "Group Leader Gu, we heard what your apprentice said on the phone! I think she is right..."

Gu Hengbo didn't answer, and sat there frowning, as if thinking about something.

Another person stood up and expressed his opinion: "Yes, how can the First Research Institute give it to an outsider? The dean is too confused this time!"

"Group Leader Gu, why don't we talk to the dean... At least let the dean give us a reasonable explanation, otherwise how can his apprentice convince the crowd!"

Gu Hengbo stopped the angry people: "Come back."

Several people stopped, turned around and walked back.

Some people didn't understand why An An was so aggrieved, and complained for him: "Group Leader Gu, we don't know what a rookie king is. We only know that you have contributed to the research institute all these years. Everyone can see your ability. Li! In the first research institute, I only obey you."

"Me too."

"Me too."

Several people immediately agreed.

"...We have no evidence." Gu Hengbo has always been thoughtful and would not easily reveal his deepest thoughts. He just sighed helplessly: "If the dean does not admit it, no one will be able to produce evidence. Why bother?"

Everyone's hearts turned cold.

Originally, this was just Ji Ziyin's own guess, and after a while, this unseen thing was almost turned into a real thing.

Seeing the resentment in their brows and eyes, Gu Hengbo put away the scattered list of items on the table and handed them over one by one.

"The projects for the second half of the year are all here, take them back and see for yourself."

His appearance of neither fighting nor grabbing further highlights Feng Yu's "ugly face" who does not hesitate to engage in secret operations in order to praise his apprentice.

Sure enough, someone showed an unbearable expression, looked at him and said, "Group Leader Gu, let's just forget about it?"

Gu Hengbo glanced at him indifferently, raised his hand, and told him not to continue talking: "After all, the dean is the master of the research institute. Whatever he arranges, the people below us will do. You can just say what you want with me." Now, don't talk about it outside, so as not to cause trouble for yourself."

When he said this, several people in the office nodded.

In fact, I feel even more upset for him in my heart!
Gu Hengbo knew how to accept it as soon as it was good. After asking them to take the portfolio and go out, he dug out the mobile phone in the drawer and turned on the screen.

Apart from Ji Ziyin's text message of apology, saying that he was emotional just now, there were no other missed calls or unread messages on the screen.

Gu Hengbo opened the text message, and the top one was the message he sent to Martin in the morning, asking him to come out and meet.

It is now three o'clock in the afternoon, and ten hours have passed.

There was no movement on Martin's side, obviously unwilling to take the time to talk to him.

Gu Hengbo took a deep breath, squeezed the corners of his mouth forcefully, and thought of another way.

He turned on the computer non-stop, logged on to the black market, and found someone to buy an anonymous ID. After pondering for a moment, he edited a message and sent it out.

After Gu Hengbo finished typing the last word, he pressed the Enter key.

The message launch was successful!

He leaned on the back of the chair, stretched his body, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, reached out to hold the teacup, and lowered his head to take a leisurely sip of tea.

(End of this chapter)

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