Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2338 Miss Nian's Different Treatment

Chapter 2338 Miss Nian's Different Treatment

Ye Shan only thought about it in her heart, she wasn't stupid enough to say it in front of Mr. Ye, she just disdained Qiao Niangeng's family.

After half an hour.

Ye Wangchuan took Qiao Nian to the box.

Mr. Ye smiled, and immediately got up to arrange a seat, beckoning to the girl, "Nian Nian, come, sit next to me."

When Qiao Nian entered the box, she saw some unfamiliar faces in the box. She paused, then went straight to Old Man Ye, and politely called out, "Grandpa Ye."

Mr. Ye opened the chair for her, and greeted her with a smile: "You sit here."

Qiao Nian was not polite to him, hummed, and sat on the seat to his left.

This was the first time Ye Shan saw Qiao Nian, and she was a little surprised at Qiao Nian's outstanding appearance, but soon she suppressed that surprise, and didn't even bother to say hello.

Ye Keji was much smarter than her, and immediately said, "This is Qiao Nian, right?"

Old Master Ye turned his head and introduced him: "Kenji, this is Nian Nian. Nian Nian, this is Wang Chuan's cousin, you can just call him Tang Shu."

Ye Keji understood clearly, and immediately understood what the old man meant, and greeted the girl very friendly: "Hi, I'm Ye Keji."

"Hello Uncle Tang." There was an uncontrollable eccentricity in the girl. Ye Keji originally thought she would be indifferent, but unexpectedly, Qiao Nian was very polite: "You can just call me Qiao Nian."

Ye Keji sized up the girl, but felt that Qiao Nian was not what he imagined, and looked pretty good.

His attitude became more gentle, and he said with a smile, "Then I won't be polite to you."

Ye Lan, who was sitting next to Qiao Nian, Ye Fanchuan pulled the seat beside Ye Keji, and said to Ye Keji very lazily, "Uncle, I can sit next to you."

"You kid...what's wrong with that, I haven't seen you for a long time." Ye Keji smiled and pushed his shoulder.

After Ye Wangchuan sat down, Ye Lan asked the waiter to serve the dishes quickly, while not forgetting to tell Qiao Nian: "Nian Nian, I ordered some dishes that you like, you can wait and see if you want more." Nothing else, tell the waiter."

"Okay." Qiao Nian didn't like places with many people, her nerves were tense, but she restrained her depression very well.

Ye Lan introduced the other people at the table to her.

Qiao Nian got to know each other one by one.

Tonight is the Ye family's small family banquet. The box is full of the Ye family responsible for managing overseas industries, mainly led by Ye Keji.

In addition, Ye Lan introduced Wang Fei and others to her.

Wang Fei looks ordinary, not tall, of medium build, but his eyes are restrained.

Instead, Qiao Nian looked at him more and greeted him.

Wang Fei had heard about her from Mo Dong, and when Qiao Nian greeted him, he immediately said hello respectfully.

Ye Lan introduced a group of people at the table, and when it was Ye Shan's turn, she chose to perfunctory her way: "This is Ye Shan, Wang Chuan's aunt."

When Ye Lan mentioned Ye Shan's identity, her expression was calm, and there was an uncontrollable disgust in her tone, as if she didn't want to say more.

Qiao Nian raised her eyelids, looked at the woman sitting on the lower right, she just nodded slightly, and didn't even call out.

Ye Shan almost looked up with anger!

Because of Ye Wangchuan's presence, she didn't dare to provoke this Buddha easily, so she could only swallow it forcefully, but her face was so angry that she could only drink water to cover up her embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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