Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2343 Is Miss Qiao free to meet?

Chapter 2343 Is Miss Qiao free to meet?

Qiao Nian is now the hottest newcomer in Independent Continent, Feng Yu's apprentice, and the future director of the First Research Institute.

All the major forces in Independent Continent wanted to establish a good relationship with Qiao Nian while she was still young. After a hundred years of Feng Yu, Qiao Nian succeeded him as the head of the first research institute. It was not enough for these people to have a relationship with her. qualified.

Everyone is a smart person, who doesn't understand the principle of investment.

Simon is also the president of the Union of Chambers of Commerce. Businessmen value profits, and he understands the return on investment better, so he is also the most active among these forces, and the person who most wants to reach a friendly relationship with Qiao Nian first.

He didn't care about face-saving, he lowered his figure very much: "Do you have time to meet Miss Qiao?"

Ye Shan was speechless for a long time.

Her face was burning hot, her face was flushed, and her face was in severe pain.

Fortunately, everyone's attention was attracted by Simon, and no one looked at her, so she felt a little better, otherwise she would have wanted to dig a hole to get in.

When the other party came over, Qiao Nian had already put down her chopsticks, wiped her mouth, and said, "I came to ask you to do me a favor. I have an uncle who wants to see you. If it is convenient for you, you can talk to him first. Wait for you After talking, I'll wait for you next door."

Simon was a little confused, but still maintained his demeanor: "Miss Qiao's uncle?"

Ye Keji was very mature and stable, he immediately stretched out his hand and said to the other party: "Hello, President Simon, I am Ye Keji from the Ye family."

Simon shook hands with him, paused, and remembered: "You want to talk to me about that... cooperation?"

"this matter……"

Ye Keji still hasn't spoken.

Mr. Ye stepped in and said very seriously: "President Simon, I hope that our two parties will cooperate based on serious consideration. You can listen to our conditions first, and we can talk slowly."

Simon himself is also a genius, he wants to make friends with Qiao Nian, but he is not the kind of brainless dog licking.

The Ye family's industry in Independent Continent is not small, and the cooperation that the Ye family proposed to their chamber of commerce alliance this time is also a relatively big matter.

The reason why he didn't reply to Ye Lan at the beginning was because he wanted to hang the other party and suppress the other party's momentum.This is also a common means of business negotiations.

Since the other party made it clear that he didn't need to make concessions for the sake of the First Research Institute's face, Simon looked slightly relaxed, nodded, and extended his hand seriously to invite: "Mr. Ye, this cooperation involves commercial secrets, let's find a place to talk about it."

He read to Qiao again: "Miss Qiao, I guess this meeting will take a long time, why don't we reschedule another day?"

"No problem." The girl readily agreed.

Simon felt relieved, and said to Ye Keji, "Mr. Ye, please."

Ye Keji turned his head and talked to Mr. Ye, and then he and the other party went outside to find a place to discuss cooperation.

Ye Wangchuan put down his chopsticks at this moment, wiped his hands gracefully, got up and said to the old man and Ye Lan: "Grandpa, we've finished our meal, so we're leaving first."

Mr. Ye originally wanted to keep Qiao Nian to play for a while.

Ye Wangchuan saw his thoughts, and said warmly: "She has been busy all day today, and it's getting late, I'll take her back to bed first."

When Mr. Ye heard that Qiao Nian was busy during the day, he came to accompany them for dinner. He felt a little regretful, and he didn't say anything to persuade him to stay. He just nodded, "I'll ask the driver to take you back."

(End of this chapter)

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