Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2348 Just passed by Feng Yu

Chapter 2348 Just passed by Feng Yu
In the large lecture hall of the level 5 laboratory.

Gu Hengbo was standing on the podium, explaining the knowledge related to physics experiments to the people in the classroom with a solemn face.

He is finishing a knowledge point.

Everyone below is taking notes.

Gu Hengbo wrote down the next project arrangement in the laboratory on the blackboard with a chalk brush, then quickly threw the chalk tip on the table, picked up the thermos bottle on the table, unscrewed the cap, and said slowly: "This is the arrangement of the laboratory for the next six months. Take a look at the assigned projects for yourself."

There was an uproar in the lecture hall.

"I was assigned to the quantum control and measurement project."

"Wow, you are so lucky. This is the biggest research project of our level 5 laboratory in the second half of the year. It is said that it is the latest scientific research direction of the person in charge. If you do it well, you may be able to hang on to this result after it is published." a name."

"Yeah, I thought so too."

The last row of the lecture theater.

A woman in her early thirties looked coldly at the experimental arrangement Gu Hengbo had written on the stage, and it was no surprise that her name was assigned to another unpopular project.

She lowered her eyes expressionlessly, reached out and pushed the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose to hide the depression in her eyes.

The friend beside her gently touched her with an elbow, and said in a low voice: "Bai Hui, why are you placed in the corner laboratory again? They are going too far, right? Do you want to talk to the person in charge? You You are obviously very strong, why do they assign you to unpopular projects every time, it's too much!"

When the woman who was bumped by her elbow heard Gu Hengbo mentioned by her friend, her expression became more indifferent, and she even started to pack up her notebook: "Don't go looking for those people, it's useless."

Her friend looked puzzled, and grabbed the woman's hand to pack things: "Is it useless for me to find the person in charge? Today is such a good opportunity, and the person in charge is also here. We told him that he will definitely stand up for you."

Bai Hui was suddenly grabbed by her hand, and she couldn't pack her things.

Facing the sincere gaze of her friend, she was like a ball that was suppressed to the extreme, as if it was about to explode in the next second.Throwing away his friend's hand suddenly, his tone was anxious and irritable: "What do you know, it's the most useless to find him!"

"Bai Hui." Her friend let go of her hand and looked at her in disbelief, as if she was hurt.

The woman was stung by her hurt eyes, she quickly avoided her gaze, lowered her head, and said silently: "I'm sorry, I'm in a bad mood."

"No, it's fine."

Bai Hui quickly apologized, then packed up her things, and left the lecture hall quickly.

Gu Hengbo also saw someone leaving from the back door of the lecture theater, but he just looked away casually, as if he didn't remember that person at all.

When she walked out of the classroom, she happened to meet Feng Yu who was walking over at the corner.

She stepped aside silently, and greeted in a low voice: "Dean."

Seeing someone, Feng Yu gave a 'hmm', and still had something to worry about, so she nodded gently at her, and immediately walked towards the large auditorium.

Seeing the back of him leaving quickly, the woman stood in a daze for two seconds, not knowing what was going on in her heart.She clenched the hand at her side into a fist, and for a moment she seemed to gather courage.

But soon her eyes darkened again, she pursed her lips, turned around silently, and walked in the opposite direction...

(End of this chapter)

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