Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2350 Sister Nian: I have something to do for the time being

Chapter 2350 Sister Nian: I have something to do for the time being

He pulled Xue Zhu up, his handsome features were still restrained and cold as always, but his facial contours softened a lot, and he said, "It's useless if we go, you and I will go to the vice president first."

Xue Zhu also took her own things, nodded her chin, and took a deep breath: "I see."

The two walked forward.

Shen Qingfeng dialed Qiao Nian's phone number and walked aside to make a call.


The phone rang seven or eight times.

Shen Qingfeng's heart beat like a drum, and the other party finally answered the phone.

Shen Qingfeng didn't care much, and immediately told Qiao Nian what happened here, and finally asked eagerly: "Qiao Nian, where are you, is it convenient to come to the institute? I'm afraid that the dean and Gu Zu It's getting more and more troublesome, and only if you come over can the dean stop."


On a black off-road vehicle outside the First Research Institute, the girl pressed the peaked cap, pushed down the window, stared at the road outside, put her elbows on the side, and said casually: "I can't get through for the time being, you let Zhou Zhou first went to help."

"Zhou, Team Leader Zhou?" Shen Qingfeng said.

Qiao Nian narrowed her eyes, and replied lazily: "Yes, it's her."

Shen Qingfeng seemed to still want to ask her questions.

With sharp eyes, Qiao Nian saw a figure coming out of the No. [-] Research Institute. She interrupted Shen Qingfeng's words, and said concisely: "I have something to do now, I will call you back later."

After speaking, she hung up the phone.

Pulling the car door with one hand, he said to the people in the car: "That person is Bai Hui, isn't it?"

Ye Wangchuan also unbuckled his seat belt, looked at the photos on his phone, and then at the person who was about to cross the road, he clicked his tongue and said, "It's her."

Qiao Nian was about to get out of the car to stop someone.

Ye Wangchuan was one step ahead of her and ordered another person: "Mo Dong, go and invite him to a nearby coffee shop."

"Yes, my lord."

The man with an obvious scar on his face quickly got out of the car and strode towards the woman who had just left the gate of the First Research Institute.

Seeing that he quickly stopped the woman, Qiao Nian seemed to be saying something.

Ye Wangchuan opened the car door for her, his face was very bright, and he said softly: "Anyway, we have already found someone, there is no hurry."

Qiao Nian said 'hmm', picked up her phone and jumped out of the car: "Let's go, I'll talk to her alone."

Bai Hui was forcibly 'invited' to a place to drink water, and the other party thoughtfully ordered her a cup of white coffee.

Holding the coffee cup in her hand, she looked out the window restlessly.

After a while, the door of the coffee shop was pushed open.

Seeing the girl coming in from outside, Bai Hui showed a look of astonishment, and subconsciously stood up: "Qiao, Qiao Nian?"

The girl was surrounded by a sense of cynicism, walked in front of her, opened the chair and sat down, under the peaked cap was an extremely beautiful face, with drooping eyelids, and slightly raised black eyelashes, it seemed that she didn't expect the other party to know her: " You know me?"

Bai Hui collected herself, tightened her hand holding the coffee cup, and said with a shy smile, "There are very few people in the First Research Institute who don't know you, it's just that you don't know people like us."

"Xu Yi and I joined the First Research Institute in the same year, so we can barely be regarded as...friends in private." She sat back on her seat, stirred the coffee with a spoon, her heart was in a mess, she didn't know why Qiao Nian was looking for her, but she seemed like He wanted to talk to her, so he raised his head and smiled: "He told me about you. He was very lucky to meet you."

(End of this chapter)

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