Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2373 Qiao Nian refuses to check, who can find out her whereabouts

Chapter 2373 Qiao Nian refuses to check, who can find out her whereabouts
Someone is honking the horn outside.

After Qiao Nian changed her shoes, she straightened her waist and stretched out her hand to push down the peaked cap. It was very cool, and she picked up her bag and went out: "I'll go back as soon as I go."

In a blink of an eye, Qin Si saw the girl leave.

There was a sound of the rear of the car outside, it should be the car drove away.

Zhang Yang called him through the loudspeaker: "Young Master Qin, why are you standing still? If you don't come back, we will lose this round."

Looking at the back of the girl leaving, Qin Si always felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart.

He anxiously got up from the sofa and said to the players in the game: "I won't play anymore. You guys can play, I'm quitting."

Zhang Yang didn't have time to call him.

Qin Si has already exited the game in a hurry, sat up straight, lowered his eyes and found Ye Wangchuan's phone number from his phone to call.


The phone only rang once.

Then pick it up.

Qin Si didn't talk nonsense: "Hey, Master Wang. Sister Qiao just got up, and she went out when she got up. She said that a friend asked her out, and she didn't even eat. I always feel that she has something to do when she goes out. I think She even brought her bag. The bag is bulging, and it can be seen that there is a computer in it."

"She usually walks around the world with her mobile phone when she goes out to dinner with friends. It was the first time I saw her go out with friends and bring a computer. I asked her where she was going, but she didn't say anything."

Qin Si spoke very fast, organized and well-organized, and his analysis was in place. He was obviously a rough person with fine details.It's completely different from his usual idle look: "Why don't you call Sister Qiao and ask, anyway, I just have a sixth sense. I'm not responsible!"

The man on the other end of the phone was silent for several seconds, and said, "I see, I'll ask her."

Qin Si said 'OK', and Ye Wangchuan hung up the phone.

When Gu San heard what he said on the phone, he couldn't help but feel worried, and walked over, saying with a worried face: "Young Master Qin, what you just said is true? Miss Qiao will not be in danger, right?"

Qin Si put down the phone, stood up and prepared to go back to the room, when he heard his words, he stopped, turned to look at him, and touched his chin: "It's not dangerous."

Gu San let out a breath: "That's good."

Qin Si glanced at him again, and continued, "I'm just afraid that she will hide something from us and go on an adventure by herself."

"Then is Miss Qiao in danger?" Gu San was so upset by what he said, he was in no mood to look for the car keys.

Qin Si crossed his arms, looked far into the entrance where the girl left, and said in a low voice, "Qiao Nian, she recently found clues about her mother. She did it yesterday, but she didn't take any action yesterday. It doesn't suit her at first sight." My character. Sister Qiao didn’t go out until Master Wang went out today. She didn’t tell us where she was going, and she even brought a computer with her. What do you think?”

Gu San is not stupid, otherwise he wouldn't have been by Ye Wangchuan's side all the time.

Qin Si dialed a little bit, and he understood what was unusual.

He took a deep breath, turned around and hurriedly said, "I'll contact Mo Dong and the others."

Qin Si watched him walk away in a hurry, but felt a little annoyed in his heart. He shook his hands, impetuous, and didn't think that Mo Dong and the others could find out Qiao Nian's whereabouts.

What kind of person is sister Qiao?

If she tried to get away from them and run errands, no one would be able to find out where she was.

Qin Si thought so in his heart, but acted very honestly. He went back to his room to contact the Qin family's hacker.

Facts have proved that Qin Si's observation ability is quite strong this time.

(End of this chapter)

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