Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2380 Patriarch, people from Yaomen came to the door

Chapter 2380 Patriarch, people from Yaomen came to the door

Ji Beiwang was unwilling to look at him: "But she..."

"You don't understand what I say?" Ji Lingfeng glanced over, his anger visible to the naked eye.

Ji Beiwang looked at the place where the girl disappeared unwillingly, clenched his fists, and lowered his head unwillingly: "Patriarch, I don't mean that."

Ji Lingfeng said softly: "That's good. Let's go!"

Everyone in the punishment hall looked at me and I looked at you. Everyone was silent, and no one dared to go against his will and chase after him, but they didn't want to leave either.

He Lin ran over at this time and saw Ji Lingfeng confronting the people in the punishment hall, his heart shrank suddenly, and he walked quickly to Ji Lingfeng and lowered his voice: "Patriarch, the people from Yaomen are here. The other party must meet you."

"What are they here for?" Ji Lingfeng was in a bad mood, his face looked extremely stern, he frowned, and asked impatiently.

He Lin took a peek at the people in the punishment hall, and said vaguely: "I don't know about this. That Young Master Ye from the Yaomen only said that he must see you, the patriarch."

Ye Wangchuan came in person?
Ji Lingfeng twitched the corner of his mouth, and said to He Lin, "Let's go."

"Yes, patriarch."

He Lin straightened up, ready to lead the way.

Before Ji Lingfeng left, he turned his head slightly, not looking at the people in the punishment hall, but stopped slightly, and said to them: "I told them to let them go, and if anyone catches up again, don't blame me for turning against me."

He Lin vaguely felt that he had guessed who was the one who broke into Ji's house today.

His eyelids twitched violently, he lowered his head, not daring to show it, he only quickened his pace to lead Ji Lingfeng.

In a blink of an eye, He Lin and Ji Lingfeng disappeared in front of everyone's eyes. Only when they were gone out of sight did everyone in the punishment hall dare to discuss in a buzzing manner.

"Why didn't the patriarch let us chase after him? That man was so arrogant that he dared to force his way into Ji's house. We just let 'him' go away. What do the families outside think of us?"

"Yeah, I don't know what the patriarch is thinking. He stopped chasing him!"

Ji Ming didn't care about the people under his command, walked straight to Ji Beiwang's side, reached out and patted his shoulder, and asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

Ji Beiwang is in his early fifties, of medium height, with a strong build, his eyes are full of introverted light, and he can tell at a glance that he is a person of some ability.

Hearing this, he looked back: "Did you see the satchel on that person's back? She definitely took something from Ji's house! And since she made such a big fuss with such effort, what she took away is definitely not ordinary thing!"

"The patriarch won't allow us to chase, so there's nothing we can do about it." Ji Ming was the one who shot, but he patted him on the shoulder again, and persuaded him in a low voice, "You just want to shoot."

Ji Beiwang looked expressionless on his skeletal face. He pursed his lips, already feeling suspicious: "Don't you think the patriarch seems to know who that person is? The patriarch is defending her."

Ji Ming was taken aback, and quickly interrupted him: "Say less!"

Ji Beiwang's eyes were full of disappointment and anger, he clenched his fists vigorously, pursed his lips and stopped talking.

But he obviously had doubts about Ji Lingfeng in his heart.

In his eyes, no matter whether Ji Lingfeng knows the person who broke into Ji's house today, as the head of the clan, Ji Lingfeng should put the family's interests and reputation first.

In his opinion, no matter who this person is today, the Ji family should stop him at all costs, otherwise how can the Ji family call themselves the first family in Independent Island in the future? !
(End of this chapter)

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