Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2395 Sister Nian has never lost this level of provocation

Chapter 2395 Sister Nian has never lost this level of provocation

When Qiao Nian saw the small box that popped up on the computer, his reason was pulled back, and a very black light flashed in his eyes.

Not long ago, Feng Yu told her that someone from the Hidden World Family had come, but immediately someone came to 'provoke' her.

Qiao Nian looked at the small box on the computer to remind her whether to clean up the other party's virus, she sat up straight, and calmly operated the computer.

She hurt her right shoulder badly.

The right hand is basically useless.

Qiao Nian used one hand to counter-intrude the other party's computer system. She was very fast and followed the other party's intruded IP all the way.

On the way, she threw away the two puppet machines, found the other party's host machine from among the other party's gaudy video machines, and tapped the Enter key with her left hand, not to mention implanting a Trojan horse system...

Qiao Nian's Trojan horse system is a Trojan horse program that is not sold in the market, and he wrote it himself.

The level of awesomeness is not inferior to the mysterious virus 'Lizard's Tail' that disrupted the black market back then.

Once her Trojan horse program was successfully implanted, Qiao Nian left the keyboard with one hand, stared at the computer page, and waited for the progress bar to be read.

Once the progress bar is 100%, she can control the authority in the other party's computer!

"Our computer has been attacked by a Trojan horse!"

"Get out of the way, let me take a look." A bearded man rushed over anxiously, pulled the bewildered man away, and operated the keyboard himself.

He originally thought it was an ordinary Trojan horse program, and he could easily remove the invading Trojan horse as long as he started the computer's anti-virus software.

However, to his surprise—their computers were completely out of control!

After he issued a series of instructions, the computer did not stop running at all, and the anti-virus software he was looking forward to did not start.

The computer is like being controlled remotely by someone, and it doesn't obey orders at all.

"Fuck!" The beard slammed his fist on the table, stared at the computer in front of him absent-mindedly, frowned, and said, "What kind of Trojan horse program is so poisonous. Have you seen it?"

Others shook their heads: "I haven't seen it."

The bearded man focused his eyes on the computer again, and the other party grandiosely grasped their computer operation authority, opened the folders on their computer in front of them, and copied the confidential files on the computer one by one.

The bearded man changed his expression: "What does she want to do?"

"She, she is copying files." Someone said tremblingly.

The bearded man wanted to scold him: "Of course I know she's copying the files on the computer, I mean her, did she do it."

The other party is too arrogant.

They just implanted the copied virus in the past, and the other party responded with a Trojan horse program and copied their files by the way.

Just give them a loud slap in the face!

Qiao Nian's speed was faster than they imagined. Seeing that all the files on the computer were about to be copied away by the other party, the bearded man stretched out his hand to press the shutdown button with bulging veins on his forehead.

However, it was the same as he thought.

This stupid approach did not help.

The other party copied all the files on the computer under their noses, and destroyed the C drive of their computer backhandedly.

At the same time that a red warning box popped up on the C drive, Lu Hu saw that the computer screen was black.

On the computer with a black screen, a red five-pointed star flag + a thumbs down emoji package popped up.

There is also a string of English letters on it.


Then there was a burst of black smoke from the motherboard of the computer, and the computer was completely broken.

(End of this chapter)

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