Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2502 Do you want to go to the auction tonight?

Chapter 2502 Do you want to go to the auction tonight?
Qiao Nian went back to her room to take a shower.

Under the watchful eyes of Qin Si and the others, Ye Wangchuan couldn't hide his smile and went back to his room with a paper bag.

"My lord, what is that in your hand?"

Qin Si glanced at him again, and then looked at the paper bag he brought back, and saw that the packaging looked like a gift: "Didn't you go out and wait for Sister Qiao? Why did you bring this back. Could it be... Sister Qiao bought it for you?! "

Ye Wangchuan told him to go away and not block the way, put the bag into the bedroom, and then came out slowly: "Go to the auction tonight?"

Qin Si stretched his neck and didn't see that he took it in. He touched his head, regretting for a while: "Okay, I also want to go out for a stroll. I've been staying in the hotel for the past two days, and I'm getting bored died!"

He asked Ye Wangchuan again: "Is sister Qiao going?"

Ye Wangchuan just asked Qiao Nian, so he passed him, went straight to the sofa and found a seat to sit down: "She is going."

"Sister Qiao is going, so I'll go too." Qin Si rubbed his chin with great interest.

Gu San made a cup of tea for the two of them, put it in front of the two of them, and then said sternly: "Master Wang, I won't go... I'll stay here and stare at things, so as not to let someone take advantage of you Get out and sneak in."

"Aren't you going?" Qin Si sat up straight and looked at him.

Gu San shook his head, and said seriously: "There are many 'rats' outside, Miss Qiao is not here, I want to watch things for her."

The computer, two notebooks and USB flash drive that Qiao Nian brought were all important things that should not be lost.

Although he didn't know what other valuables were in Qiao Nian's room, it was better to have someone staying in the hotel than no one.

Gu San thought clearly.

Anyway, he doesn't buy things at the auction, and he used to watch the excitement at most, and it doesn't matter if he misses one.

"Yeah." Ye Wangchuan picked up the tea in his hand, and the light smoke curled up on his handsome face to set off his three-dimensional facial features, which was outstanding: "You stay in the hotel at night."


Night falls.

Ji Ziyin is on the phone with Ji Xiao, telling him that she has arrived in country m and is now staying at Yu's house.

There were two knocks on the door.

"Miss Ji."

"I won't tell you for the time being." Ji Ziyin hurriedly hung up Ji Xiao's phone, tidied up his appearance, and walked over to open the door.

The servant of Yu's family stood outside the door waiting for her. Seeing her coming out, he bowed to her politely and said, "Miss Ji, Mr. Yu is waiting for you below."

Ji Ziyin temporarily lives in the guest room on the second floor of Yu's house.

The servant said that the downstairs should be the living room of the Yu family.

Ji Ziyin took a deep breath, not to let anyone see any timidity, and said to Yu's servant generously: "I see, just wait for me a moment, I will go down with a mobile phone."

"Okay." The servant looked at his eyes and nose without saying a word.

Ji Ziyin took another deep breath, closed the door, went into the room, took her mobile phone, and checked her appearance against the dressing table. After confirming that there was no problem, she calmly opened the door and walked to my downstairs living room...


The entire Yu family is decorated in a European style palace, and the huge floor area makes the living room of the Yu family look extraordinarily domineering.

The gold-plated decoration shows the family heritage everywhere.

When Ji Ziyin walked down the marble stairs, she saw Yu Qingliu sitting on the brown leather sofa waiting for her.

There is another person who is about her age talking to Yu Qingliu.

(End of this chapter)

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