Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2507 Sure enough, good-looking people are prodigal

Chapter 2507 Sure enough, good-looking people are prodigal

The Beichen Club is a place where people from the Hermit Family will also come. It gathers celebrities from all over the world. The people here have seen a lot of things in the world.

The general small handwriting will not make them panic at all.

But this time it is indeed rare.

Ji Ziyin and their exclusive waiter immediately trot down and whispered in the ear of the auctioneer in the auction house.

The auctioneer also showed a surprised expression.

All of this was seen by the people present, and other people were also aroused and talked about it.

"What happened?"

"Strange, how come no one quotes?"

"I see someone came down from the VIP area on the second floor. Could it be some big shot?"

"It looks like it's pretty close."


third floor. . .

In Ye Wangchuan's box.

He rang the service bell to call the waiter, and asked concisely, "What's going on down here?"

"A customer on the second floor offered a sky-high price for this rough stone, so it took a while." The waiter at Beichen Club was articulate, and explained the ins and outs clearly in a few sentences.

"Exorbitant price?"

There was a dark light in Ye Wangchuan's eyes, and his thin lips were frivolous: "Tsk, what a sky-high price?"

The following auction house has been negotiated, and the auctioneer will announce the current price.

"A billion."

One must know that a few seconds ago, the price of this ancient jade was only called to nine digits, but now it jumps directly to ten digits.

It is indeed not small!

And very bold!
Even Qiao Nian asked the waiter about the origin of the collection with interest, and then touched his chin and said, "Even if this person doesn't have a billion dollars, the next few rounds of shooting will still be around seven or eight billion, so 'he' It’s not too much.”

"But this guy is smart enough to give a capped price from the start."

"So 'he' got another shot and got the limelight again."

Qiao Nian seldom praises others.

This time, she really felt that this person was quite intelligent, not the kind of very stupid person.

Ye Wangchuan just raised his eyebrows, turned his head and reported a price to the waiter in their box, and asked the waiter to go out.

As soon as Qin Si finished playing the game, he happened to hear the price reported by Ye Wangchuan, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he looked at the ancient jade on the booth.

He looked back at the man, and said, "Master Wang, why are you taking pictures of this stuff. Did you buy it for Sister Qiao?"

"A good friend's anniversary."

Ye Wangchuan looked at the girl who was also looking at him casually, smiled slightly, and was lazy and lazy: "I have already received presents, of course I have to return a present. Otherwise, how can I be her boyfriend?"

Qiao Nian's brain was in pain, and her eyelids twitched violently. She stretched out her hand and pulled down the brim of her hat expressionlessly to cover her eyes, but she felt a headache in her heart.

If I had known about her, I wouldn't have said so quickly about the anniversary of Shenma's best friend...

If it can be discounted.

The price he paid was enough for her to recreate several laser missiles that she had used before.

Qiao Nian glanced at him with those eyes, and a deep thought came to her: Sure enough, good-looking people are usually prodigals~
The better you look, the better you lose!


In the VIP area on the second floor, Ji Ziyin had already put on an air of being sure of winning and began to drink coffee elegantly there, while talking to Yu Qingliu.

It wasn't until there was no new quotation or announcement that she had taken Gu Yu from below for a long time, that she couldn't sit still and stopped chatting, fidgeting and talking to Yu Qingliu: "Old Yu, why is there no movement below?"

"Look again, don't be in a hurry."

Yu Qingliu frowned tightly, staring at the movement below.

(End of this chapter)

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