Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2517 Sister Nian still can't contact Lu Zhi

Chapter 2517 Sister Nian still can't contact Lu Zhi
This time, he is using Yu's family as a bargaining chip to gain a higher position.

Once overturned...

Yu Qingliu didn't dare to think of the bad.

He has no turning back now, nor does he want to turn back. .

He didn't have a good few years to live.

Before he dies, he must find a way to make the Yu family go further in the hidden family, instead of always being the last family among the three, six, and nine!
After Yu Qingliu thought so, he turned his back and went up to the second floor to find Ji Ziyin to tell her the news.

According to his original plan, he originally wanted to push Ji Ziyin out by giving the queen a gift.

Now this way does not work.

He could only choose the most direct path - to directly introduce Ji Ziyin to Her Majesty the Empress!

...I hope Ji Ziyin can live up to his efforts this time.

At the same time, in room 6668 of Hotel M.

Not long after the girl handed things over to Ji Lin, she took out her laptop from the bedside bag, pulled out the chair, sat down, and turned on the computer.

She entered the domain name of the server as soon as she turned it on, and after pressing the Enter key, a green code popped up on the screen.

Qiao Nian typed a few lines of code.

She successfully hacked into the entry-exit system of country m, and then found her entry-exit registration form with ease and clicked on it.

On the screen was an enlarged form with a fake photo that was three points similar to her but obviously PS.

The name column is even more outrageous.

Qiao Nian's cold hand operated the mouse to zoom in on the name filled in the name column.

The above pinyin spelled directly became - YENIAN.

She stepped on the chair with one foot, and the other leg hung there. It was straight and long, sitting in a very uninhibited posture, and the expression on her face was also full of interest.

She saved the name and photo screenshot above, picked up the mobile phone on the table, and sent it to someone.By the way, I attached a WeChat message: [Did you change it? 】

After Qiao Nian put the WeChat message there, he didn't see a reply, so he put the phone back and put his hands on the keyboard to operate.

Soon all the entry and exit records of the three of them disappeared from her entry and exit system.

It turned into information about three foreigners.

Clearly: David, John and Thomson.

The column of photos of the three of them turned into three big bearded men, the kind whose beards were so thick that they couldn't see their faces clearly.

After Qiao Nian erased the records about them on the entry-exit board, she put her legs down, picked up the phone again and looked down.

Ye Wangchuan hasn't replied to her WeChat, it looks like she might be taking a shower.

Qiao Nian ignored it, and instead canceled her mobile phone number and replaced it with a new one.

Then set up an engine and call interception software that cannot be retrieved for your mobile phone number.

In the end, she sent Jian Jin her new number, leaving only three words: "My phone number."

After finishing all this, she tried to contact Lu Zhi again.

The red dot related to Lu Zhi on the computer has been staying in the m royal room, but the phone number for calling Lu Zhi has changed from being off to empty.

It should be that the other party also noticed that she had detected the signal.

Qiao Nian took the phone away from her ears with dark eyes, with no expression on her cold face, and put the phone away in a foolish way, but her eyes became even colder!

Lu Zhi is by no means the kind of person who would be caught without a fight.

His mobile phone has become an empty number, which means that Lu Zhi must be losing his freedom in life now...

(End of this chapter)

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