Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2526 One person almost entered the Privy Council

Chapter 2526 There was once a person who almost entered the Privy Council

Yu Qingliu knew she would say that, smiled slightly, and said confidently: "Don't worry, even if you can't seize this opportunity, I will help you seize this opportunity behind your back!"

What she wanted was Yu Qingliu's words.

After all, she knew too little about the Hermit Family and the Privy Council. With her own strength alone, Ji Ziyin was afraid that she would not be able to stand on her feet in a short time.

If she wants to climb steadily, she must find an ally.

Even if... the Yu family is only her temporary ally, she still has to find a way to make good use of this ladder.

Ji Ziyin is such a good-natured person, she immediately climbed up the pole and gave Yu Qingliu a reassurance: "Thank you, Mr. Yu, I will remember the kindness of the Yu family for supporting me."

Yu Qingliu nodded in satisfaction, and spoke to her gently about the Privy Council: "The Privy Council is the central organization composed of several top families of the Hermit Family. Let me tell you this, if the Hermit Family is a behemoth, the Privy Council is the heart of the behemoth. !Even the queen who is more than [-] people must be restrained by the Privy Council to some extent."

"The Privy Council has existed since the existence of the Hermit Family, and it has always been the most powerful, most mysterious, and most difficult place to enter in the world."

"For so many years, only those families have been able to enter the Privy Council."

As soon as Ji Ziyin heard it, she knew that Yu Qingliu might not have touched the top corner of this circle at all, so she didn't even know the names of those families.

But she was extremely quiet, listening to Yu Qingliu quietly.

"There was also a person with a foreign surname who entered the Privy Council, and his power was so powerful that he emptied all the members of the Hermit Family, but the person behind him died."

"Twenty years ago, another genius of the same kind almost entered the Privy Council, but died young, and had no chance to really enter the Privy Council..."

Yu Qingliu looked at her with burning eyes: "You are the third person with a foreign surname to enter the Privy Council!"

Mentioning this, Yu Qingliu couldn't figure it out.

Originally, he just wanted to try to bring Ji Ziyin into the circle of the hermit family, but who knew that Ji Ziyin was so lucky that he was directly selected by the higher-ups to enter the Privy Council.

"This time, the empress personally recommended you. Do you understand how lucky you are?" He didn't delve into the reason behind it, but instead said to Ji Ziyin with a smile.

Ji Ziyin has roughly understood how awesome the Privy Council is, the blood in her body is already boiling, and she is faintly excited, but she can still maintain the mask on her face: "I will work hard to live up to what Yu Lao gave me this time. Chance!"

While the two were talking, Yu Xinlan came back from the outside.

When she came back, she saw Yu Qingliu talking to Ji Ziyin again, her brows were clustered, and her face darkened a lot.

Walked in and said hello to Yu Qingliu: "Grandpa, I'm back."

A few days ago, Yu Qingliu never asked her to talk to Ji Ziyin.

This time, he stopped Yu Xinlan uncharacteristically, and said, "Aren't you going out with some friends this afternoon?"

"Well, we made an appointment to have afternoon tea together." Yu Xinlan stopped in her tracks and answered without understanding.

At this time, Yu Qingliu picked up the coffee and told her lightly: "You take sister Ziyin to go with you, and take her around country m by the way."

Yu Xinlan showed an unacceptable expression on the spot, and looked at Ji Ziyin sitting next to Yu Qingliu conditionally, the disgust in her eyes flashed, and she forcibly endured it.With a smile on his face, he said: "This is inconvenient, we have an appointment and have something to talk about."

(End of this chapter)

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