Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2530 Master Wang already knew

Chapter 2530 Master Wang already knew

Qiao Nian didn't know that she was being targeted.

People even blocked the entrance of the hotel waiting to see her excitement.

She received a call from the M royal family asking her to meet, picked up her bag, put on her peaked cap, and prepared to go out.

"Going out?" Qiao Nian just opened the door.

Looking up, he saw the door of the opposite room opened at the same time, and Ye Wangchuan just came out from inside, apparently looking for her.

She pulled down her peaked cap, said 'hmm', and said, "People from the m royal family have invited me to meet, they are nearby."

"Let Qin Si go with you." Ye Wangchuan didn't want to say it.

Qiao Nian originally wanted to say no, she was prepared, but when she caught the man's deep gaze, she sighed again and chose to compromise: "Okay!"

Ye Wangchuan knocked on Qin Si's door and told Qin Si about the situation.

Without further ado, Qin Si went back to the room, took a coat, and went out with Qiao Nian. Before leaving, he asked the man, "Master Wang, aren't you going?"

He scratched his head, always felt that Ye Fanchuan was abnormal this time, usually when encountering such things, Ye Fanchuan would personally accompany Qiao Nian.

This time, he actually let himself go with sister Qiao.

Just... an indescribable feeling!
"I'm not going." Ye Wangchuan's face remained the same, without any abnormalities, he calmly said to the two: "I'll wait for you to come back at the hotel..."


Qiao Nian didn't care.

She is used to being independent!
I usually walk alone, and I don't like to take others with me when I encounter things.

So whether Qin Si goes with her or Ye Wangchuan goes with her, she personally doesn't care.

Seeing that Ye Wangchuan really didn't intend to go, Qin Si didn't say much, and said to the girl: "Then sister Qiao, let's go."

Just in time the elevator came.

He entered the elevator with Qiao Nian.

Ye Wangchuan stood in front of the elevator and watched the elevator door close, and then looked at the beating numbers on the right side of the elevator, then closed his eyes, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"She's gone." His voice was deep and cold.

When the person on the other end of the phone received the message, he immediately arranged for a good person, and said in a brisk tone, "Wang Ye, don't worry, we've already targeted those people!"

Ye Wangchuan lowered his eyes while turning his head: "Don't let them disturb Qiao Nian."

Ji Lin understood what he meant in seconds, and immediately said: "I know, I won't let these hot chickens disturb Miss Qiao."

"En." Ye Wangchuan responded in a low voice, pushed open the door, returned to his hotel suite, and went in to get a glass of water.

He was wearing a shirt and slacks, and the slightly open neckline outlined his sexiness. Ye Wangchuan raised the corners of his mouth and walked back with a water glass: "Bring me another person."

Ji Lin answered dryly: "Understood, Mr. Wang."

Ye Wangchuan was sitting on the sofa, shaking the glass in his hand casually, watching the ripples in the glass.

His eyes gradually turned cold.

Yu Xinlan... she is very courageous!


"Xinlan Xinlan."

Below the hotel, Yu Xinlan listened absently to her friends chatting the whole time, staring at the elevator all the time.

The person she was waiting for never came down.

Until someone pushed her and whispered in her ear: "We are going to change places and ask your opinion."

Only then did Yu Xinlan come back to her senses, and saw that her friends were all looking at her.

"There are too many people here, people are everywhere, and there is nothing interesting, why don't we go to Beichen Club to play?" the fat lady who pushed her before whispered.

(End of this chapter)

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