Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2532 Did that person come for us?

Chapter 2532 Did that person come for us?
Yu Xinlan witnessed the whole process with her own eyes, the hand holding the coffee cup trembled, and her expression turned ugly.

What, what's the situation?
Who were those people just now?
Where did he come from?

The lobby of the hotel was resplendent and full of people. The previous episode was like a drop of water sinking into the sea without causing any ripples at all.

Except for Yu Xinlan, the client, the others didn't even notice coming here.

Several of her friends were still sitting there chatting, talking about the handsome oriental man who just walked past.

"Did you notice a man and a woman who just walked past? The man is so handsome, the best."

"I saw it too."

Women basically agree with Qin Sishuai's point of view.

As for the men, they sneered at their nymphomaniac behavior: "An oriental man, a fancy but useless showman, only you women will think him handsome. Isn't it just a little boy in my opinion? Right?"

Yu Xinlan made appointments with five women and three men.

The other two men nodded frequently, deeply agreeing.

Someone called Yu Xinlan: "Should we continue to sit here and play? Why don't we change places, this place is too boring."

"I'm fine, you ask Xinlan." The fat woman who asked Yu Xinlan to change places at the beginning expressed no objection. .

The man in the floral shirt turned around and urged Yu Xinlan: "Everyone wants to change places, how about we play at Beichen Club?"

Yu Xinlan was absent-minded: "Whatever."

As soon as she finished speaking, out of the corner of her eye, she suddenly saw the man who was leading before turning his head and looking in her direction.

Then she was horrified to find that the other party turned around and walked towards her!
Yu Xinlan stood up abruptly, and the movement was so big that the chair next to her legs slammed into it, making a harsh rubbing sound.

Several of her friends were startled.

Someone reached out and grabbed her: "What are you doing? What's wrong?"

"No, it's okay." Yu Xinlan's heart was in a mess right now, she was not in the mood to talk to them at all, she looked at the man walking towards them without blinking, her heart was flustered.

She must have misunderstood it?
How could the other party know that she was looking for the killer? !

But the other party was clearly coming at her!

Or...he just wants to go this way, thinking too much?
Yu Xinlan looked at the man who was getting closer and closer, her mind went blank for a moment, the hand hanging by her side clenched into a fist, but she desperately pressed her lips together, guessing in her heart whether the man was coming for her.

Her face looked pale, and her eyes were shaking violently, anxiously.

It made several of her friends look at each other in blank dismay, all dumbfounded.

"What's up with her?"

"I don't know." Someone shrugged and said depressedly: "She was very strange at the beginning of today. She didn't go to the places we usually go to, and insisted on having afternoon tea here. Then everyone came, and she She didn't talk much, and she didn't know what she was watching the whole time... I asked her if she had any friends living in this hotel, and she said she didn't know anyone. Who knows what's wrong with her now!"

The man in the floral shirt noticed Ji Lin who was walking over, and tugged the arm of the friend beside him, pouted: "Did that man come after us?"

"Who is it?" His little friend looked over and saw that Ji Lin's expression changed slightly, before he could speak.

Ji Lin had already walked in front of several people, put his hands in his pockets, and stood directly in front of Yu Xinlan, smiling slightly, looking very polite: "Miss Yu?"

He bit the word 'Yu' very hard.

(End of this chapter)

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