Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2537 He still wants to threaten sister Nian

Chapter 2537 He still wants to threaten sister Nian

His attitude is very unfriendly.

The faces of the members of the m royal family were ugly, and they all looked like they wanted to do something.

John looked at the girl who was about to leave, withdrew his previous amiable attitude, and stared at the girl with cold eyes: "Doctor Qiao, you didn't come to country M alone, did you?"

Qiao Nian picked up the shoulder bag on the chair beside her, and turned her head to look at him upon hearing this.

When John saw her looking at him, his expression became more and more relaxed, and he was even in the mood to pick up the disposable water cup on the table to drink water, and then said slowly: "You Orientals pay more attention to family and friends. You said that if you insist on fighting against us, Have you thought about their safety?"

"Human life is very short, sometimes it is like a flash in the pan, and a small accident can end a lifetime."

He enjoyed the pleasure of cat catching mice very much, looked at the two angry people, and smiled softly: "I just want the laboratory medicine in your hand, as long as you cooperate with me, then there will be no 'accidents' around you ..."

Qiao Nian lightly put the shoulder bag on her left shoulder, and looked at him with a surprised expression, "You mean if I don't cooperate with you, you will touch my family and friends?"

John raised his hand slightly, and smiled again: "It depends on how Dr. Qiao understands it."


Qiao Nian answered very quickly.

Her reaction was beyond John's expectation. He thought that the other party would be angry when he heard this, and then he quickly calmed down and asked him to compromise and beg for mercy.

But Qiao Nian looked so calm, even a little... relaxed!
John was taken aback.

What is she relaxing?
At this moment, his cell phone on the table rang.

John frowned, took out his phone, and looked down to see that it was Yu Qingliu's phone.

Why would Yu Qingliu call him at this time?

John guessed that Yu Qingliu was looking for something urgent with him.

He just looked at the girl and quickly picked it up: "Hello, Mr. Yu..."


Yu family.

At this moment, Yu Qingliu's eyes were red and bloodshot, and the living room of the house was in a mess, and all the guests of Yu's family stood in the living room, not daring to say a word.

He put all his hopes on the royal family.

"Xinlan is gone."


Yu Qingliu closed her eyes fiercely, forced herself to calm down and told him the ins and outs of the matter, and then said in a heavy tone: "After that, I couldn't contact her, and her phone was turned off."

"Why don't you go to the hotel to find someone?"

Yu Qingliu knew that he was going to ask this question, and his eyelids twitched: "I sent someone to look for it at that time, but the other party didn't see me, so they sent me a box."

"I opened the box and inside was a hand."

Yu Qingliu really couldn't describe the shock he felt when he opened the box in the car and saw the scene of the bloody forest.

He has lived for dozens of years, and this is the first time he has been provoked so arrogantly!

He said in a deep voice, "I want to ask you now, have you seen that Dr. Qiao? What is her background?"

John quickly glanced at the girl's cold side face, lowered his eyes, and said quickly in a low voice: "I just met someone, and I haven't understood it yet."

Yu Qingliu didn't talk nonsense, and asked straightforwardly: "Okay, you leave the people to me! I want to see what they want to do!"

"Old Yu..." John raised his voice, he had other reasons for looking for Qiao Nian, and he didn't want to have a falling out like this.

However, Yu Qingliu only had the face of the Yu family and the safety of Yu Xinlan in his eyes. He said concisely: "That's the decision! I will bear all the consequences."

(End of this chapter)

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