Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2547 They really want to hang Mr. Lu up

Chapter 2547 They really want to hang Mr. Lu up

He turned to the top profile picture on WeChat and sent a message to the girl.

[Nian Nian, if you hurt yourself again, I will definitely break his ribs! 】

Ye Wangchuan sent the WeChat message with a blank face, and then forced himself to calm down and solve her worries for the future!
There are many people who don't know the situation outside Liberty Square in Country M.

A lot of people were watching the fun there.

It is usually a place where tourists and locals come to feed the pigeons and relax. At the moment, there are several layers of people inside and outside.

When Qiao read it, there were still many people talking there.

"Did this person commit a crime?"

"I don't know, I just came here and haven't figured out the situation yet."

"How did he get hung up?"

"Ghost knows."

Qiao Nian pushed aside the crowd expressionlessly, and saw someone in the middle of the square trying to hang the bound person on the cross of the Statue of Liberty.

Even though that person was far away, Qiao Nian still recognized him at a glance - Lu Zhi!
Lu Zhi was still wearing a white shirt, the neckline was a little messy, his face was delicate and beautiful under his hair, his face was slightly sick, but he couldn't see any emotion.

There was no expression on his face.

Even in this situation, there was no expression on his face, as if the person who was about to be hanged in public was not him.

He gives people a kind of extreme decadence and world-weariness.

And someone in the crowd of onlookers has noticed something unusual about this beautiful man. .

"Look at his legs, he's disabled?"

"Such a good-looking man is actually a cripple?"

The words 'disabled' and 'disabled' kept coming into Lu Zhi's ears...

Lu Zhi heard these strangers pointing at him, and those eyes that seemed sympathetic and mocking fell on him.

He only twitched the corners of his mouth, and the bangs on his forehead slid down to cover his eyes even more.

He was already a cripple.

He has listened to these words for more than ten years, and he has already cultivated an invulnerable heart, but few people mentioned these words in front of him these years.

Now that he hears these voices again, Lu Zhi just hates this world even more.

He didn't care about it at first, but who knew when the corner of his eye swept across the crowd.

He suddenly saw a familiar figure.

Qiao Nian has always been easy to identify.

She always has a temperament that is out of tune with the surroundings, very unique, and has strong personal characteristics.

Lu Zhi couldn't move his eyes all of a sudden.

The moment he was stunned, he suddenly realized his embarrassing situation, and his white jade face, which was full of indifference before the start, suddenly twisted angrily.

"Why do you move!" Someone slapped him on the back with a bad attitude.

Lu Zhi stared at the man suddenly, his eyes seemed to be looking at a dead person.

This look is too penetrating.

The man was taken aback and didn't move for a long time.

It was the person behind him who patted him and said, "It's almost time, Mr. Shadow said you can hang him up."

Lu Zhi looked in the direction where he saw Qiao Nian just now.

He only saw the girl visually inspecting the situation in the square, reaching out to pull up the hood of the hoodie to cover her face, and quickly hiding in the crowd.

And the people from the hidden family have already come.

The man in black answered the phone with one hand, while looking at Lu Zhi with his eyes, he talked to the person on the other end: "Well, I'm ready."

"Yes, don't worry."

He hangs up the phone respectfully, scans around the onlookers in the square, and orders with a deadpan expression: "Hang them up!"

(End of this chapter)

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