Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2549 Sister Nian has stood up, I heard that you are looking for me

Chapter 2549 Sister Nian has stood up, I heard that you are looking for me

"What did he do wrong?"

"The royal family has not carried out public executions for a long time."

"I heard the people below keep asking him for his name, what is Qiao Nian? It's like an oriental name, but he refuses to say it."

"Why didn't he say it? If he said it, he wouldn't have to suffer!"

During this free time, hundreds of people in the square dared to discuss the behavior of the royal family in a low voice.

The girl kept her head down and played with her mobile phone.

It was only at this time that she raised her head. The face covered by the hoodie was as cold as ice, delicate and eye-catching.

Isn't it the face of an oriental person!
Qiao Nian had already made all the preparations while everyone was paying attention to the Yinshi family's execution of Lu's sentence.

Now she only needs to wait for Jian Jin's reply, and she can act immediately.

But Jian Jin didn't send any news for a long time.

1 minutes passed.

2 minutes.

From afar, Qiao Nian saw the people from the Hidden World family walking back carrying an iron bucket, and then the black-clothed figure soaked the blood-stained whip into the salt water in the iron bucket, raised his head, and his usually expressionless face was rare. There is a trace of compassion.

"Boss Lu, just tell me."

"Where is Qiao Nian?"

Lu Zhibai's shirt fluttered in the wind, and his jade-like porcelain-white face looked paler and more transparent now. .

His long eyelashes concealed the coolness in his eyes, the corners of his mouth were always raised provocatively, and he replied hoarsely to those who looked at him with pity: "I don't-know-know."

--do not know!

Shadow's complexion changed, he pursed his lips, frowned, and hesitated in the movement of the hand holding the whip.

The forces behind Lu Zhi are not small.

In fact, he was also afraid of Lu Zhi's three strengths and two weaknesses, and the people under Lu Zhi's subordinates would fight with them.

It's just that the Queen had to teach Qiao a lesson, and he couldn't persuade him, so he had to bite the bullet and engage in this trick of trial in the square.

But if Lu Zhi really dies here... Shadow has to consider how much is involved behind it!

Lu Zhi seemed to see that he was afraid, so he sneered and asked him with an expression that seemed to see through everything: "Do you dare to kill me?"

It was because of this sentence that Shadow gritted his teeth, pulled out the whip soaked in salt water from the bucket, and slapped him hard again.

Bloody flowers bloomed on Lu Zhi's back.

"Where is Qiao Nian?!"


Among the crowd, the girls' eyes were bloodshot.

She clenched her phone tightly, and finally waited for Jian Jin's people to reply her message: "We are here."

Qiao Nian raised her head, revealing a delicate face under the hoodie, and walked towards the center of the square step by step over the crowd of onlookers in the square.

"I am here!"

The girl's voice was calm and cold, and it spread far away.

The members of the Hermit family in the center of the square all stopped what they were doing, and looked nervously towards the direction of the sound.

Lu Zhi opened his eyes and saw the girl walking towards him step by step, gritted his teeth, his expression changed slightly.

Qiao Nian had already walked in front of everyone, reached out and pulled off the hood of the hoodie, revealing her face, and said in a dry tone, "I heard you were looking for me?"

Shadow looked at her.

The girl in front of her was young, at most 20 years old, and the dull color of black seemed to fit her well.

The girl put one hand in her pocket and stood there slantingly. Her eyes were extremely dark and dark. She had a typical oriental appearance with black hair and black eyes.

This is the only direct bloodline of the Ji family's generation?
(End of this chapter)

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