Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2574 What a coincidence, Miss Nian's computer pops up Mo Dong's photo

Chapter 2574 What a coincidence, Miss Nian's computer pops up Mo Dong's photo
Qin Si was puzzled: "What time?"

Isn't the moon dark and the wind high enough?
Qiao Nian didn't reply to him, she put all her heart and soul on the computer, saw her hands flying over the keyboard, Qin Si looked at it, but didn't know what she was doing.

He looked away resentfully, and when he turned around, he saw Ye Wangchuan coming back.

"Master Wang, what is Sister Qiao doing?" He nodded his chin, determined to be a good baby who would ask any questions.

Ye Wangchuan came over and saw Qiao Nian using satellite positioning to check his IP, so he raised his eyebrows: "Check people."

"?" Qin Si frowned, curious but didn't bother the girl.

Qiao Nian himself is a computer expert.

Through the information given to her by Daji, she directly bypassed the dark castle to investigate the people who were handed over from the Yu family to the dark castle, and then traced the IP of the person he contacted through the phone number of the housekeeper of the Yu family.

These seem complicated.

But Qiao Nian didn't behave well in Qiao Nian's hands with these confusing and difficult location information. Soon, a photo popped up.

Personal information is also attached to the photo.

Ji Lin was the first to see the personal information that popped up on the computer, as well as the extremely recognizable photo. The corner of his mouth twitched, and he said in surprise, "Eh, isn't this Mo Dong?"

Qin Si and Ye Wangchuan were attracted by his words, and they also saw the personal information that popped up on the screen of Qiao Nian's notebook.

Qin Si took a closer look: "It's him."

"That scarred face is gone..." He looked at the girl unexpectedly, and asked, "Sister Qiao, what are you doing Chamodong?"

He couldn't figure it out. It was all on fire.

At this time, Qiao Nian is chamodong...? ?

Qiao Nian looked at the photo on his computer, took his hands off the keyboard, raised his eyebrows, turned his head, looked at the man who had been silent all this time, and asked speciously, "Your man?"

Ye Wangchuan pressed the center of his brows, and smiled: "I originally wanted to finish it, and give you a surprise...I didn't expect you to find out."

The dark fort is indeed his power!
Qiao Nian couldn't express how she felt, and felt that it was too fucking unscientific.

It was the same time he went to see a genius doctor to see Chenchen before, and this time it was like this again, as if they were somehow drawn together by fate and destined to know each other.

Qiao Nian was also speechless for a while, paused, and said to him, "I'll go and talk to Daji."

Ye Wangchuan knew about the F continent weapons dealer for a long time, so he stepped aside to get out of the way, and when the girl passed by him, he said in a low voice: "When Yu Qingliu transfers the money, I will let Mo Dong and the others Send the things from the Yu family to you."

When Qiao Nian heard what he said, she couldn't help but stop and raised her head to ask, "How much did you ask him for?"

Ye Wangchuan raised his thin lips and smiled politely: "Oh, not many, 10 digits, starting with 5."

She calculated in her heart, how much is the ten digits starting with five...

Qiao Nian fell silent, raised his eyebrows, gave him a thumbs up, and said in a carefree tone, "Okay! He's a ruthless person."

50 billion + the result of the Yu family's years of operation in Continent F.

He is ruthless!
It's no wonder Yu Qingliu wasn't pissed off.

"If Yu Qingliu knew the truth, he might not want me dead, but rather you..." Qiao Nian was still in the mood to joke.

Seeing that she was in a better mood, Ye Wangchuan leaned against the wall with his hands clasped, his whole person was calm, dignified and lazy: "I'm dead, don't you feel bad?"

Qiao Nian: "..."

"God Qiao is not willing to let me die, who would want me to die?" There was a soft look in his eyes, and his tone was obviously joking, but it was particularly deceptive.

(End of this chapter)

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