Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2594 Feng Yu: Do you know the Privy Council?

Chapter 2594 Feng Yu: Do you know the Privy Council?

"Have you heard of the Privy Council?" Feng Yu asked her first.

Qiao Nian read the first page at a glance, then turned a page: "I haven't heard of it."

"The Hidden World family is composed of hundreds of families. The Yu family that is in conflict with you this time is just a low-ranking family among them. The other families are not easy to mess with."

"These families jointly elected a leader, the empress you offended this time."

"The empress has the absolute right to speak within the hidden family, but in order to prevent the leaders elected in the past from having too much right to speak, and harming the interests of the family for their own selfish desires... The people of the hidden family also set up a supervisory agency. Call the Privy Council!"

Qiao Nian dragged a chair and sat down, and had already seen the page he was talking about.

Seeing that she was looking seriously, Feng Yu stared at her jawline, and continued slowly: "If the Queen is the head of the Hidden Family, then the Privy Council is the heart of the Hidden Family."

"En." Qiao Nian responded and continued to turn the page.

Feng Yu walked in front of her and said in a deep voice: "Even the queen has to be restrained by the Privy Council, so the Privy Council is very important."

"The Privy Council is going to recruit new people recently. I discussed it with Shi Fu, and we both think this is an opportunity."

Qiao Nian had almost finished reading the document in his hand, and raised her eyes to look at him.

Feng Yu didn't hide his thoughts, and met her eyes and said: "If you can enter the Privy Council, at least the empress will be afraid and won't touch you easily, otherwise you will be too dangerous!"

Qiao Nian didn't offend a certain person.

She offended the entire Hermit family for Lu Zhi this time!
If Qiao Nian offends someone, the First Research Institute will definitely protect her to the end. .

But Qiao Nian offended the entire Hermit family, Feng Yu was very aware of her abilities, and knew that she might not be able to protect her this time.

"I asked Martin, the Privy Council will not care about these disputes outside, they only value personal ability."

Qiao Nian put the documents back into the leather bag and said casually, "But I'm not from the Hermit Family."

"You are."

Feng Yu's gaze was like a torch, even though he didn't want to say it, but at this juncture, he could only say: "You are Ji's family."

"The Hermit family made a promise 50 years ago, promising that the blood of the Ji family would enjoy the same power as them."

The Hidden Family has always been superior to others, and the Ji Family also has that... that person is really tough, and he almost turned the entire Hidden Family upside down with his own strength.

The arrogant and hidden family also had to crawl under his feet, so there was this agreement.

The Ji family is not a member of the hidden family, but they can enjoy all the benefits of the hidden family members.

"You are from the direct line of the Ji family, you have the qualifications to participate in the recruitment selection." Feng Yu almost fell into memory, but he was more concerned about Qiao Nian's current situation: "Nian Nian, listen to me, you go to participate in the Privy Council... Recruiting newcomers, with your ability, you should be able to enter, as long as you enter the Privy Council, your life safety will be guaranteed, and we can rest assured."

Qiao Nian lowered her eyes and returned the cowhide bag to him: "I'm not interested."

She has never been afraid of the hidden family, let alone the queen who hides behind the hidden family!
So she appreciated Feng Yu's kindness, but she didn't really want to participate in the so-called recruiting of the Hermit Family.

Feng Yu took the bag and became anxious all of a sudden: "Nian Nian, you listen to me, it's not whether you are interested..."

Before he finished speaking, Shi Fu gave him a hand and told him to get out of the way.

(End of this chapter)

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