Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2641 Our Privy Council does not accept Orientals, especially those from country Z

Chapter 2641 Our Privy Council does not accept Orientals, especially those from country Z
After explaining to Qiao Nian, he turned his head and introduced to the people of the Hermit Family: "This is Qiao Nian, the future heir of our First Research Institute."

Feng Yu said this specifically to increase Qiao Nian's bargaining chips.


The two members of the Privy Council next to the hooked nose cast strange glances at Qiao Nian, showing a little more seriousness than the previous indifference.

It's just that Mr. Lei, the one in the middle of them, still sat there with a blank expression on his face, and didn't say hello to Qiao Nian. You came here to tell you about the information, the person from country Z who filled in your information, are you not from Independent Continent?"

This question is quite rude!
Qiao Nian could feel his strong contempt and dissatisfaction from his tone of voice and eyes.

She twitched the corners of her mouth, very dry, with the same impolite attitude: "ah, no."

Leonard's face turned dark immediately, and he looked at her up and down: "You are a direct descendant of the Ji family, how could you not be from Independent Continent?"

Knowing Qiao Nian's temper, Zhou Zhou looked over worriedly.

As expected, the girl stretched out her hand and pressed down her peaked cap, her red lips slightly parted and said casually, "You are not from Independent Continent, didn't you also come to Independent Continent?"

Leonard's complexion became even worse.

This attitude... Does she know who she is talking to?
Qiao Nian has always been a person who said 'what kind of a bastard are you, what kind of face do I give you', looked at him impatiently and said, "What do you want from me?"

She didn't want to waste time, so she said concisely: "Let's talk about something, I'm still busy."

Feng Yu's back felt cold, sweating all over, wishing to go up and grab this little ancestor, she was too irritating.

When did the members of the Privy Council receive such neglect? His aquiline nose turned green with anger. Due to the presence of those present, he took out the documents and threw them on the tea table and said: "Our Privy Council does not accept Orientals, especially People from Country Z."

The Privy Council is extremely repulsive of oriental faces, or they despise short orientals in their bones.

Leonard told her as calmly as possible, but his tone still revealed his arrogance: "I've thought of a way for you. If you really want to enter the Privy Council, you can fill in a new form. The prerequisite is that you have to give Z If you change your Chinese nationality to an independent continental nationality, we will barely set a precedent for you."

This was also a compromise solution reached by all parties after they received the information from Qiao Nian yesterday and had an emergency meeting to discuss it.

Ji's attitude is very tough this time, and they will not change.

They wanted Joe to be in the Privy Council.

But Qiao Nian is from country Z, and the Privy Council will never allow a low-level race like her to enter the core institution. This is an insult to their hidden family and will lower their grade...

"This is already the result of our concessions. There is no room for maneuver. You should think carefully about it yourself."

He took it for granted: "It takes about half a month for you to change your nationality. I will give you ten days. You find someone to change your nationality, and send another application. We will review your qualifications again."

He raised his chin, motioned the girl to pick up the documents on the table, and said softly, "This is your application form, take it back and take a good look, it contains our requirements for you."

Qiao Nian has been standing sideways with an extremely playful expression.

"I will stay in Independent Island during this time, and finish your business. If you have any questions, you can come to me. My hotel room number is..." He didn't finish.

(End of this chapter)

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