Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2645 Slap in the face!We only recognize the first line of the Ji family!

Chapter 2645 Slap in the face!We only recognize the direct line of the Ji family!
in the elevator.

The hooked-nosed old man put away the business card Ji Ziyin gave him.

Just arrived at the place, he walked out of the elevator with a blank face, took out the room card and prepared to go back to the room.

Those who were walking with him stopped him.

"Mr. Lei, the result of the discussion by the Privy Council is Qiao Nian, not Ji Ziyin. Don't get confused."


Leonard had already opened the door. Hearing this, he turned to look at the person who reminded him, feeling uneasy for a while: "I know the decision of the Privy Council, you don't need to remind me."

"That's good." The man is neutral, so he didn't want to quarrel with him, so he opened the door with a smile.

Seeing the other party walking in with ease, Leonard felt more and more uncomfortable, so he looked at the opposite room and said coldly: "Don't forget, the reason why everyone made this decision was because they didn't know that she was from the East. , or from country Z."

He sullenly said, "Since she is unwilling to change her nationality, everyone will definitely reconsider whether she is suitable for entering the Privy Council again!"

The man in the opposite room was a little surprised at his reaction, but after hearing what he said, he nodded calmly: "As long as it is the decision of the Privy Council, I have no objection."

Leonard felt powerless as if he had punched the cotton.

He didn't want to offend the neutral faction, so he suppressed his displeasure, entered his room, and slammed the door.

After returning to the hotel room.

He connected the computer to the Internet non-stop, then contacted the Privy Council, and told the Privy Council all about what happened to him in the First Research Institute today.

In the end, he said in an extremely unhappy tone: "Our Privy Council has never had a precedent for absorbing Orientals. She is not willing to change to an independent continent. I mean change!"

"I've seen her before. She's too crazy. People with this personality are not suitable for the Privy Council, and we don't need such a personality in the Privy Council."

"She doesn't even have the basic rules, and she doesn't respect the Privy Council. I really don't understand why she has to be hired, just because she is from Ji's family?"

"If it's for this, she is not the only one in the Ji family! Isn't there another ready-made candidate?"

He was playing a conference video, and the other end of the video was facing the conference room of the Privy Council Headquarters. There were more than a dozen people sitting in the conference room.

The hooked-nosed old man was very angry, and he didn't hide his temper, and finished speaking angrily.

After he finishes speaking.

The silver-haired old man in the video said lightly: "Who is the ready-made candidate you are talking about? Ji Ziyin?"

Leonard frowned, his eagle eyes sank slightly: "I just said that there is more than one person in Ji's family."


The silver-haired old man answered indifferently: "The Privy Council only recognizes the direct line of the Ji family, and we don't recognize those offshoots that cannot be reached."

His words instantly silenced Leonard.

But Qiao Nian's attitude still stimulated his nerves: "But she doesn't want to change to an independent continent for the sake of the Privy Council! Do we want an oriental face to enter the Privy Council, or someone with the blood of country Z?"

He really couldn't accept an Oriental into the Privy Council.

What a noble place the Privy Council is, how can they let inferior blood lower their grades.

The silver-haired old man squinted his eyes, and said almost without any emotional fluctuations: "Don't forget, I also have half of the oriental blood that you look down on."

Leonard seemed to be extremely afraid of him, his whole body froze, and he immediately smoothed things over: "You know that's not what I meant."

(End of this chapter)

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