Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2682 Sister Nian: Oh, please make way

Chapter 2682 Sister Nian: Oh, please make way
Without thinking too deeply, he put a few ice cubes in his glass and poured a glass of tequila before chatting with others.

After a while, a text message was sent to his mobile phone. Moxi took a look at it in his busy schedule, and then he stood up abruptly: "What kind of grass?!"

All the people in the room were looking at him when he sweared.

After all, he is different from Mo Dong. Mo Dong is usually rough and sloppy and not so particular about it. He is just the opposite. He looks gentle and calm on weekdays.

Moxie rarely loses his composure.

But this time he didn't care about so many people in the box looking at him, he took off his glasses and put them in his pocket: "I'm going out for a while."

He took his mobile phone and ran out in a hurry.

When Qiao Nian received Ye Wangchuan's WeChat message, she was on her way to find Feng Yu.

While replying to the message, she was about to knock on the door.

Who knew that as soon as she raised her hand, the door of Feng Yu's office opened from the inside.

Then she saw an unfamiliar face coming out of it, bumped into her just right, and the other person was also slightly stunned when he saw her: "Qiao Nian?"

She stretched out her hand and pulled off her peaked cap very impatiently, ready to go in: "Excuse me."

Liao Quan himself should get out of the way.

He came to the research institute today to go through the resignation procedures. Who knew that he happened to bump into someone who made him feel uncomfortable here. He didn't know why his feet were nailed to the ground and he couldn't move. His mouth was faster than his head: "You heard that Miss Ji Did you enter the Privy Council?"


Qiao Nian raised her head, her beautiful eyes were quite cold, she half-closed her eyes, and raised her hands with some unknown meaning: "Are you talking to me?"

Liao Quan was so angry that he simply continued with a sullen face: "Miss Ji has entered the Privy Council, which is the central organization of the Hermit Family. Sooner or later, she will have great achievements, and she will not be worse than in the research institute!"


Qiao Nian figured it out, he wasn't talking about Ji Ziyin, but he was saying that he would not be worse after leaving the research institute than he is now.

She glanced at Liao Quan again, finally remembered who this person was, and then said casually: "Well, just be happy."

"Please make way."

The girl's flirtatious attitude is more slapping than directly refuting him!

Liao Quan was overwhelmed with anger, but he didn't dare to provoke her. He pinched the palm of his hand and reluctantly moved out of the way.

Qiao Nian passed him by without looking back.

Liao Quan watched her enter Feng Yu's office, and looked back, just in time to see Feng Yu's gaze directed at him.

As if he had been caught, he quickly lowered his head and left in a hurry.


"What are you talking to him outside?" Feng Yu followed the girl in the office when she saw the person walking away from the door.

Qiao Nian put down the documents to be given to him, and said lazily: "It's nothing, he told me that Ji Ziyin has entered the Privy Council."

"Hmph." Feng Yu immediately lowered his face, and said with cold eyes: "How much energy the research institute has spent on cultivating them, it's good for him, he ran away after being given some benefits."

"Leave as soon as you leave. Before he leaves, he still disgusts you. He is really an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf!"

Engaging in scientific research is nothing else, and behind every scientific research is a lot of money.

The Institute spent a lot of money to cultivate a 40- to [-]-year-old backbone like Liao Quan. As a result, Liao Quan abandoned the Institute for the benefit of the moment, completely ignoring the Institute's years of cultivation, and then stepped on the Institute. It's really supercilious. Wolf……

(End of this chapter)

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