Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2701 The two parties collided

Chapter 2701 The two parties collided
Liao Quan couldn't ask for it: "Miss Ji, please."

"Well, let's continue to look inside."

Ji Xiao also didn't realize that Ji Ziyin had been taking them around the periphery all the time, and hadn't really entered the circle of the Privy Council at all.

With his hands in his pockets, Lu Yiming had no opinion or interest, so he didn't agree with her like the other two.

Anyway, it's like I'll go if you go, and I don't care if you don't go.

Ji Ziyin was secretly annoyed in her heart, but she remained calm on the face, planning to take them for a stroll outside before sending them away.

at this time.

A few people suddenly saw someone coming obliquely ahead, and the voice of chatting was quite noisy.

"Can we go inside later? Really."

"You want to take us to meet Mr. Xue?"

"Qiao Nian, will this affect you, isn't it good?"

Liao Quan and the others were calm at first.

This calmness instantly collapsed with a familiar name!

Liao Quan even blurted out: "Qiao Nian?"

Ji Ziyin's complexion had already darkened, she grabbed the palm of her hand, her eyes fixed on the direction of the voice.

Ji Xiao was also full of suspicion, and looked sideways: "Could this voice be...the people from the research institute?"

Liao Quan's next words shattered all his luck: "I heard the voices of Cao Yanhua and Han Cheng, it should be them."

Ji Xiao was speechless now, and his expression became extremely complicated. From time to time, he sneaked a glance at Ji Ziyin, as if asking, "Didn't you say that Qiao Nian has no tickets?".

But they were grasshoppers tied together, even if he was angry in his heart, he didn't dare to embarrass Ji Ziyin.


In the blink of an eye, Qiao Nian and his group had already walked over.

Probably no one expected to meet so soon, Xue Zhu and the others stopped when they saw Ji Ziyin, looked at each other, and no one went to say hello to her.

It was Cao Yanhua who was thinking about Ji Ziyin's favor when he came to deliver tickets, so he met Ji Ziyin face to face: "Miss Ji is here too? What a coincidence."

"Yeah, what a coincidence."

Ji Ziyin responded indiscriminately, and kept looking at the straight-looking girl wearing a peaked cap.

But compared to her concern, Qiao Nian seemed much more indifferent.

She didn't say hello to Ji Ziyin, Simon and the others, nor did she stop Cao Yanhua from politely talking to Ji Ziyin, she just stood quietly aside.

But just standing there, her aura should not be underestimated.

As soon as Simon changed his previous attitude, he immediately stood up and greeted the girl warmly when he saw the girl: "Miss Qiao, I didn't expect to meet you here, last time..."

He wanted to mention the last meal.

Ji Ziyin suddenly stood in front of him and interrupted him, and said provocatively to the girl: "I didn't expect you to get a ticket, I asked Brother Cao before and he said you didn't have a ticket, so it was..." Lied to her.

She didn't finish her sentence.

Smiling and whispering, he offered to say, "Since everyone has met, why don't we go shopping together?"

Her attitude showed that she was generous and didn't care about the usual little friction and unhappiness.

Xue Zhu and Shen Qingfeng looked at each other, and they both frowned, thinking that she was uneasy and kind, and wanted to make trouble again.

They all looked at Qiao Nian.

Qiao Nian was probably annoyed by Ji Ziyin's behavior of looking for presence in front of her again and again, so she reached out and raised the brim of her hat: "No need."

(End of this chapter)

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