Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2704 Slap in the face!These are the guests invited by the Archbishop

Chapter 2704 Slap in the face!These are the guests invited by the Archbishop

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the people inside.

I didn't pay attention to it at the first time, thinking that the staff of the Privy Council were inside.

It didn't take long for him to realize that something was wrong.

He pointed to a few unfamiliar faces inside, and stopped: "How did those people get in? They aren't from the Privy Council, are they?"

The radicals of the Privy Council who followed him looked in the direction of his finger, and they all froze for a moment: "Uh, I don't know."

The hooked-nosed old man frowned, his expression was condensed, his face was straight, and he ordered coldly: "Go and ask the guards to drive people out."

"Okay." Someone beside him went to contact the guard.

He shook his hands, looked at the young people in the ring conference center with disgust, and said in a tone as if he was mentioning dust, "The management of the Privy Council has become more and more negligent recently, and anything can get in!"

Around him were four or five people, all radicals.

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and your heart is clear.

He wasn't scolding some of the 'strange faces' who didn't know how to get in, but he was aggrieved for losing the vote last time.

It's just that they lost so ugly last time!

So far, they are still skeptical about Leonard's decision to follow the Queen's nomination of Ji Ziyin.

So when everyone heard him insinuating that the new Ji family's direct lineage was 'not a thing', no one responded.

Leonard saw their unwillingness to blend in, and the aura around him became colder, and his eyes seemed to be crushing ice floes, resentful and vicious.

Just at this moment, Qiao Nian came back from the phone call, walked over to Xu Yi and the others and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to the restaurant for dinner."

Xu Yi and the others came over at ten o'clock, now at 11:30, eat early, and can have lunch at this time.

Xu Yi and the others agreed.

Qiao Nian led them to the restaurant.

The Senate is a circular design with a total of four doors.

Leonard and the others were at the southeast gate, and Qiao Nian was going to the restaurant in the opposite direction from them, so he didn't even glance at them, and he didn't notice that anyone was looking at them...

Seeing a group of people leaving in a mighty way.

Leonard's expression became more and more sinister: "It's her?"

She brought people into the Privy Council?

Leonard felt strongly offended, turned his head, and immediately asked: "Where is the person who said to call the guards? Haven't come back yet?"

He couldn't wait to give Joe a good start!

Let her know that this is not Independent Continent, let alone Country Z, and the Privy Council is not a place where she can be presumptuous!
Just as the person who had gone to call the guards came back in a hurry.

Leonard asked him immediately: "Where are people?"

The man lowered his head in embarrassment: "Old Lei, I just went to ask, and they said..."

Four or five people looked at him.

Leonard waited impatiently for his next words.

The man originally wanted to speak in private, but so many eyes were staring at him, he could only cover his lips and cough and finish: "They said it was the archbishop's intention."

Leonard thought he had heard it wrong at first: "The Archbishop?"

The man nodded.

His expression became inexplicable, his brows were about to knit together, and he was very puzzled: "Why did the archbishop get involved?"

Quentin didn't always ignore the affairs of the Privy Council, so how could he take extra care of this newcomer this time.

"I do not know either."

"They said the Archbishop meant it."

"Those people were also invited by the Archbishop."

(End of this chapter)

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