Chapter 2706 Complete Breakup!

Simon was overjoyed: "Miss Qiao means..."

He wants to say forgive him?
Who knew that Qiao Nian put his hands in his pockets coolly, and turned to talk to him face to face: "We were just acquaintances, not very familiar friends, so no matter who you chose at the time, I have no problem, and you don't have to take it to heart." .”

This is very straightforward.

It fell into Simon's ears, but she could hear what she meant.

——Qiao Nian didn't blame him for choosing to curry favor with Ji Ziyin, but at the same time, he didn't want to be friends with him anymore.

Simon is a smart person, he understands that the character of the girl in front of him is not the kind of person who likes the scene in the circle.

He smiled wryly, looked at the girl and said, "Miss Qiao, is there no room for change?"

"..." Qiao Nian frowned, looked at him with dark eyes, and when she understood, she pressed her tone irritably, "Is it necessary?"

She and Ji Ziyin are not deadly enemies.

She never thought of Ji Ziyin as an opponent.

But people like Simon don't think so, and insist on treating this relationship as a relationship of interest where only one side can be chosen.

That would be boring.

It's not necessary either.

"I see." Simon understood her meaning in seconds, and his heart was even more bitter, and he didn't know if he had chosen the right one.

He always felt that Qiao Nian might be a potential stock, with a better future than Ji Ziyin's current blooming flowers.

But when things got to this point, he quickly calmed down: "By the way, Miss Qiao, do you have time tonight?"

Qiao Nian saw that he quickly calmed down and returned to his previous attitude, but didn't respond.

Simon said politely, "I would like to treat everyone to dinner tonight."

He was afraid that Qiao Nian would misunderstand: "That's not what it meant."

"I want to give Miss Ji a brief celebration tonight. I think we all know people and live in the same hotel, so I asked if you have time."

Simon is extremely tactful, even if everyone talks, he still maintains his communication skills in social situations, and he is not vague about who should be invited, at least he must say something well.

"Let's get together in a small area. If you don't have time, can you convey it to others for me?"

Qiao Nian nodded: "I will tell them."

Simon smiled and said very politely, "Then thank you Miss Qiao."


Qiao Nian also made it clear to him.

Just as the elevator came down again.

Without wasting time, she raised her peaked cap, pressed the elevator button, and said to Simon, "Then I'll go up first."

Simon watched her enter the elevator, and then saw the elevator door closed, and the number keys next to it went up one by one... He changed his politeness just now, and frowned, as if there was a big stone on his chest, and he was a little out of breath.

It's just that he has experienced the storm anyway, and understands that he is determined to leave, and he can no longer make friends with both sides.

He strode out of the hotel lobby, went outside and dialed the number in the address book.

The phone connected after a few seconds.

Simon calmed down, suppressed the restlessness and uneasiness between his brows, and said calmly as before: "Miss Ji, I have reserved a place in the western restaurant of the hotel tonight, do you want to invite some friends to dinner?"

Qiao Nian separated from Simon and went directly to Xue Zhu.

Xue Zhu's room is at 9006.

Qiao Nian knocked on the door and went in, and soon someone came to open the door for her.


Xue Zhu made way for her after opening the door: "Come in quickly."

I saw all the small furniture in the north-south transparent suite, which looked spacious and bright, and the room layout was very transparent.

(End of this chapter)

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