Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2710 Is there any activity in the hidden family tonight

Chapter 2710 Is there any activity in the hidden family tonight
In just 15 minutes, Ji Ziyin saw two cars with the license plates of the Hidden Family parked in front of the hotel. She didn't know what kind of high-end banquet was going to attract so many people from the Hidden Family tonight, and even shocked them. Mr. Xue of the Privy Council...

When she was thinking hard.

The royal family's car finally arrived.

The extended Lincoln model is worth a lot at first glance. It should be much more expensive than the previous two cars. However, when Ji Ziyin saw the luxury car, he remembered the two unremarkable black cars before. Just like their levels are different.

The driver opened the door, and an imposing man got out of the car, with an unspeakable aristocratic air about him.

Ji Ziyin packed up her mood and walked over immediately: "Mr. John."

"Ah, it's you." John's attitude towards her was not very good, but he was still polite: "Sorry, I've been waiting for a long time."

Ji Ziyin knew that the other party was only willing to come here because of the face of the queen behind her, so she behaved very politely: "You are too polite, I have just arrived not long ago."

John didn't know her very well, so he nodded slightly, without wasting time with her, and suggested, "Then let's go up?"

"Okay, I'll lead the way."

Ji Ziyin walked in front and led the way, while chatting with the people behind him about the other people who were there tonight: "There are a few friends who are also there tonight, and they are all from Independent Island."

She automatically skipped over Lu Yiming and others, and mentioned Simon, who had the highest status among them: "President Simon of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance is also here, everyone just got to know each other."

"You mean the president of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance?" The m royal family is not a great family among the hermit families, so they have heard of Simon and the Chamber of Commerce Alliance.

Ji Ziyin smiled: "Yes."

John nodded, and became a little interested: "That's a good time to get to know each other."

The two walked towards the elevator entrance while pressing the elevator button.

The hotel class is strictly guarded.

In addition to the elevator they wait for, there is also an elevator that goes directly to the top floor, but that elevator is rarely used by people, only those who want to go to the top floor can use it.

Ji Ziyin's place to eat tonight is only the western restaurant of the hotel, the grade is not bad, but it can't compare with the top floor.

While waiting for the elevator, she was bored and glanced in the direction of the exclusive elevator, just in time to see the elevator opened, and someone walked into the elevator...

It was too late for her to see, everyone got into the elevator.

She only saw three backs with yellow skin and black hair.

Ji Ziyin was slightly taken aback.

This hotel has very few oriental faces, let alone take the elevator that goes straight to the top floor.

For a moment she felt dazzled.

The elevator closed again.

Looking at it from her distance, it is impossible to be sure if someone really went up just now.


When Ji Ziyin was absent-minded, the elevator she was waiting for arrived.

John stepped into the elevator first, and found that she was still standing there in a daze and did not come in, so he pressed the elevator button and asked her, "What's wrong?"

Ji Ziyin turned her head abruptly, looked at the person waiting for her, shook her head, and hurried in: "No, it's fine."

John waited for her to come in and pressed the floor of the western restaurant.

The elevator doors closed and started to go up.

Ji Ziyin was distracted in the closed elevator, thinking about it, she mustered up the courage to ask the people around her: "Mr. John, do you know what activities the Hermit Family has today?"

(End of this chapter)

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